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I've downloaded a trial version of WWP and it won't let me join a game online prompting me that I need to insert the game CD.

Erm... how would I have a CD if it's downloaded? It's from the site linked from the team17 site so it's not a dodgy copy. Is there a patch I need to rectify this or is there something else I may be over looking?

11.01.06 10:57
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Oh, the trial only lasts 60 mins... It's only £6 to buy from team 17! Guess I'll have to wait a few days longer...

Unless anyone knows where to get a hack for the trial :mrgreen:
11.01.06 11:30
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Quoted :: JB

I've downloaded a trial version of WWP and it won't let me join a game online prompting me that I need to insert the game CD.

Erm... how would I have a CD if it's downloaded? It's from the site linked from the team17 site so it's not a dodgy copy. Is there a patch I need to rectify this or is there something else I may be over looking?

*Clears throat* TRIAL



11.01.06 11:41
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Quoted :: Atomic52

Quoted :: JB

I've downloaded a trial version of WWP and it won't let me join a game online prompting me that I need to insert the game CD.

Erm... how would I have a CD if it's downloaded? It's from the site linked from the team17 site so it's not a dodgy copy. Is there a patch I need to rectify this or is there something else I may be over looking?

*Clears throat* TRIAL

*Clears throat* FULL trial...
11.01.06 11:45
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Orangie Orgy
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damn, anyone got any water?

edit: in otherwords, that trial thing from trymedia has that problem
11.01.06 12:10
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And the lesson is? TryMedia sucks penix. :P


13.01.06 14:49
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Well time will tell. I've forked out the money to download the full version. Let's see how it goes. While we're on the subject, what the chuffin' heck happened to all the old maps from here? Like, uuummm... dogma shopper and Starworm/s or whatever he was called.

14.01.06 00:35
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Quoted :: JB

Well time will tell. I've forked out the money to download the full version. Let's see how it goes. While we're on the subject, what the chuffin' heck happened to all the old maps from here? Like, uuummm... dogma shopper and Starworm/s or whatever he was called.


Read some news... They were lost.



14.01.06 01:13
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Quoted :: JB

Well time will tell. I've forked out the money to download the full version. Let's see how it goes. While we're on the subject, what the chuffin' heck happened to all the old maps from here? Like, uuummm... dogma shopper and Starworm/s or whatever he was called.


I hope you haven't actually paid for something by TryMedia... believe them when they say that TryMedia sucks (iirc which i think i do). Try to get the good old, regular Team17 copy, if you can.
14.01.06 08:35
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I wanted worms QUICKLY so I went that route. I don't think it downloaded properly as I still couldn't access a game online, so pretty sucky so far, yeah :mrgreen:
14.01.06 10:29
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Okay, now the real problems start.

It's fully downloaded, no problem there. I can now join a game but - wait for it - I STILL can't host one. I'm not getting a no CD error so this is obviously down to the nightmare of the labyrinth of problems that always seem to circulate around this issue.

I've opened ports 17010-17012 and port 6667.
My windows firewall is off and I've corrected the IP address in the online game settings. My router is a belkin and is abouit a week old. I couldn't wait for the day to get one so I could FINALLY host a wwp game but it seems I'm still dogged by the same problem that spoils this otherwise amazing PC game.

Any help would be appreciated. I've checked thew T17 forums to no avail.
14.01.06 23:07
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Well, that method worked for me the first time

Forced those ports, Put in IP in game settings And ticked Force IP... hostage

maybe you forgot Force ip? :D
15.01.06 03:31
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WWP does not have the force IP feature.

15.01.06 11:50
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Thats dumb, well, in anycase you can try the wwp host thingy proggie here:
15.01.06 20:14
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Everything's hunky dory after a few days of reading and trial and (lots of) error.

WWP from trymedia works fine. I opened the ports on my router, rechanged details in the registry and downloaded a launch file THAT WORKED from the net (not here).

A note to file uploaders. If you're going to upload files in .rar format, at least explain somewhere that these files need extracting - and provide a link to the prog that will do this. If people are having tech problems, the chances are, they're not an absolute whizz in other areas of computing. :?
17.01.06 22:26
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