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Now that I think about it, how do you go about streaming video over Winamp?
16.12.05 22:20
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Quoted :: Glenn

Now that I think about it, how do you go about streaming video over Winamp?

I can explain it to you if you want. Contact me on MSN.

16.12.05 22:21
Post #47
Last edited: 16.12.05 23:33 (HarrY - 3 times) [Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Okay, I'll contact you tomorrow then (I guess that'd be today in the UK XD).
17.12.05 02:49
Post #48
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How exactly do you get Skype to work on Winamp?

My MSN Status is currently: An image!
17.12.05 13:49
Post #49
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You set the shoutcast plugin to use the sound card input and in the recording mixer, make sure that "stereo mix" is selected and the silder is at a reasonable volume. Make sure that you default recording device is your soundcard (It isn't actually soundcard input-it's default recording device input, silly winamp.)

17.12.05 13:57
Post #50
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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It doesn't seem to work. I was trying the radio with Ivan and a friend and it was only broadcasting me (Which does have it's advantages)

20.12.05 20:04
Post #51
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Then you must have made your default recording device in windows not the soundcard that is inusde and made sure that "Stereo mix" is checked and on full volume for the recording mixer and/or the output decvice set for skype isn't the sound card.

20.12.05 22:02
Post #52
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Okay, I've decided that I am going to air the complete Red Vs. Blue (except PSAs, I still don't have them). But, it probably won't be during Friday or Saturday. Maybe I'll do it on the Friday before New Year's.

This, of course, assumes that I can get it set up to run on BTP TV :P.

As for radio, I'll take the 4 and 5 PM GMT slots instead of 7PM. I've got 2 hours of (what I think is) good Do As Infinity, and if I'm going to start playing it, I'm going to play the whole 2 hours of it.

Or, you know, I might just play some regular stuff like BNL, Chronic Future, some Jurassic 5... depends on my mood that day :P.
20.12.05 22:08
Post #53
Last edited: 20.12.05 22:48 (Glenn - 1 times) [Youtube] [Hide Sig (12)] [Profile] [Quote]
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you managed to encode all that? o_O
must have taken days
21.12.05 01:51
Post #54
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Quoted :: Glenn

Okay, I've decided that I am going to air the complete Red Vs. Blue (except PSAs, I still don't have them). But, it probably won't be during Friday or Saturday. Maybe I'll do it on the Friday before New Year's.

This, of course, assumes that I can get it set up to run on BTP TV :P.

As for radio, I'll take the 4 and 5 PM GMT slots instead of 7PM. I've got 2 hours of (what I think is) good Do As Infinity, and if I'm going to start playing it, I'm going to play the whole 2 hours of it.

Or, you know, I might just play some regular stuff like BNL, Chronic Future, some Jurassic 5... depends on my mood that day :P.

You're showing the whole thing? You do know you're going to be there for way over 6 hours, right? Unless your only showing 1 season, in which case it's 90Mins, 140Mins and 200Mins respectively.

21.12.05 19:41
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Quoted :: Pioneer322

you managed to encode all that? o_O
must have taken days

Havn't started encoding anything of Red Vs. Blue yet, so I wouldn't know...
21.12.05 22:33
Post #56
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Quoted :: Glenn

Quoted :: Pioneer322

you managed to encode all that? o_O
must have taken days

Havn't started encoding anything of Red Vs. Blue yet, so I wouldn't know...

it took me about an hour to encode about 10 minutes of 1 episode of full metal, gave up after becuase there was 51 episodes.. do teh math!
minus 4 days left, better start now :o
22.12.05 00:19
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I said that if I were to do it, it would be at NEW YEAR'S!
22.12.05 01:28
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10 hours to encode 10 mins? That isn't right. It does it al practically real-time for me. Once the encoder decided to encode things painfully slow but I managed to fix it, think I just did a reinstall of the software. You could try deleting the profiles for the batch encoder, that fixed someother problems i've had.

22.12.05 11:53
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hmm,it could have just been the slowage that is my pc
400 mhz yo.
but it was encodeing at that rate... maybe 15 minutes
22.12.05 21:06
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