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I made a tavern *nods head* and it is a great idea! Then when i make it into an inn, i could add a gift shop! then somone else can operate it!OMG! I'm so smart, s-m-r-t

11.08.03 02:33
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build a pet shop where any kind of animal could be bought. I bag the monkey.

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11.08.03 06:55
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i want a bloopy!
and i will work there as well so i earn more money from u
11.08.03 09:27
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y does no-one want cars!

cmon great idea by me

your friendly neighbourhood Wishmaster
11.08.03 09:30
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ooh buying a mini staff member is a good idea. heh.

And wishmaster, the cars weren't your idea, I think C1 was the first to say it. You said it to me in #blamethepixel and I said "we currently have one car designed", the car-park was your idea tho.

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11.08.03 09:50
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yes ure correct. i was not 1st

u need a car park for the cars.

kind of like the grassy areas in pixelville except not so grassy.

or a top down view like gta.

maybe you could build a supermarket!
with carpark and shops . maybe im not 1st to suggest that either tho

and a casino!
11.08.03 11:37
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which car is the only car. is it my van look-a-like pic. I'll draw car park if you want.

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11.08.03 12:48
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yeh your van-y one. Draw a car park if you wish :)

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11.08.03 13:58
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ok, this money thing is scaring me now. Alot. It feels alot like neopets now. (Yes I had them, those horrid little creatures) This really isn't good. is it/

11.08.03 16:23
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yeh, ppl have gone a bit crazy over something that isn't really that exciting. Oh well. :)

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11.08.03 16:41
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meh its fine. oooo i have a private jet.. lol. look at Maison C. Hmm i like the gift shop and the cars but sorry abdboy but i wouldnt stay at ur house. Look at my mansion with my own cooks :)
11.08.03 16:45
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he is actually burning the food lol

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15.08.03 12:40
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well not food cause thats just toooooo neopety. But maybe pets and cars. And soon to come...Bloopys Slot Machine :)
15.08.03 16:02
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Roulette like CBWhiz mentioned on User News

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15.08.03 16:35
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and mine and cbs game :)
16.08.03 17:27
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