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18.11.05 21:22
Post #16
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Grrr, I tried Great Britian and England and they both lose to those Candians.

Damn you C1! :P


19.11.05 00:47
Post #17
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Some Classics:
Star Wars and Star Trek
Lord of The Rings and Harry Potter
Google and Yahoo
Daddy or Chips

Oh poo:
Me V ZoGgEr

And if you do "Blame The Pixel" so that it searches for the words exactly like that wormiverse wins:
Blame The Pixel and Wormiverse

19.11.05 23:25
Post #18
Last edited: 19.11.05 23:32 (kikumbob - 3 times) [Hide Sig (9)] [Profile] [Quote]
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the reason why "Blamethepixel" wins is because that's how it's typed in the titled of every BTP page, I guess.

19.11.05 23:35
Post #19
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Did you not notice the last fight i did? Wormiverse won.
19.11.05 23:38
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Quoted :: kikumbob

Did you not notice the last fight i did? Wormiverse won.

Yes, and I was explaining why "blamethepixel" wins.

20.11.05 12:06
Post #21
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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try these ones:

Underpants \/ Vest

Deathbot \/ Atomic52

Doctor who \/ star wars
20.11.05 13:09
Post #22
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And you expect us to be bothered to type those out? Provide us with alink, just like everyone else has done.

20.11.05 13:39
Post #23
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
[]Star Worms
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Quoted :: kikumbob

Did you not notice the last fight i did? Wormiverse won.
Only because of the quotation marks. .com&etape1=1&langue=en&moteur=uk

20.11.05 13:43
Post #24
Last edited: 20.11.05 13:49 (Star Worms - 1 times) [RealVG] [Hide Sig (11)] [Profile] [Quote]
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20.11.05 16:35
Post #25
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1st and 3rd are ok.

2nd... not so good

And I suggest you deleting 4th or you will get blamed
20.11.05 16:49
Post #26
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Lol. The 4th isnt true. Its just the fact that people say "n00b" a hell of alot more than "bloopy"
20.11.05 20:42
Post #27
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There is a larger army of n00bs than Bloopies. What would you expect?

20.11.05 21:33
Post #28
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Bloopy has a value equal to 1*10^99 noobs. :x
21.11.05 02:02
Post #29
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Quoted :: kikumbob

Some Classics:
Lord of The Rings and Harry Potter

Weee! HP beats LOTR! Harry Potter is way better than LOTR :)

Edit: ZOMG! Family Guy beats The Simpsons :(
Family Guy vs The Simpsons


21.11.05 17:00
Post #30
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