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I wanted to make an animated grave for WA, but apparantly custom graves can only be bmp files I suppose. is it possible to make an animated bmp for a grave? cuz the default graves in the grafics/createteam/graves folder has bmp files that are animated when used on the game. im not really counting on animated bmps, but if there some other way to make a custom animated grave, lemme know

Super Mario RPG on the Wii = Me Happy:D
05.11.05 00:33
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Last edited: 05.11.05 00:33 (jinjos98 - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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You can't get any custom animated graves unfortunatly. It does suck, but no one cares anymore.

05.11.05 00:34
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oic, that sucks, thanks though

Super Mario RPG on the Wii = Me Happy:D
05.11.05 00:42
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You can still use animated pictures that are already in the game though. Use that program to access them.

05.11.05 00:50
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Last edited: 05.11.05 21:46 (TheAbdBoy - 1 times) [Twitter] [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy


You can still use animated pictures that are already in the game though. Use that program to access them.

Are you telling me that the map above has animated parts to it in game?
05.11.05 21:14
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Quoted :: C1

Quoted :: TheAbdBoy


You can still use animated pictures that are already in the game though. Use that program to access them.

Are you telling me that the map above has animated parts to it in game?

Yes I am ! (Heh wrong link. Fixed)

05.11.05 21:46
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

Quoted :: C1

Quoted :: TheAbdBoy


You can still use animated pictures that are already in the game though. Use that program to access them.

Are you telling me that the map above has animated parts to it in game?

Yes I am ! (Heh wrong link. Fixed)

Oh..TeamED. (the mario map obviously didn't have animated parts :P)

And you mean the graves are animated.
07.11.05 20:47
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