

A Map - Shopper - By breedybag
Uploaded By breedybag

Description: " If there is any map that attempts to revive a deceased gametype, this is the one. This map truely makes drive-by shopper really fun. You basically have to rope through all the check points and grab a crate before you attack. The checkpoint signs really stand out to you everytime you pass through one. I really like the gloss effect on the signs as well. Also whats great about this map is that no matter where you are on the map, you'll be able to still make your turn with ease since the path is seamless. However, Bloopy and I were discussing and came to an agreement that the gray portions of the map are a little too random. Maybe if you went along with the gloss theme and did something creative with that would add more solidness to the map. Other than that, great work." -HWD (Jehuty)
Works With: [WA]

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Date Uploaded: March 11, 2008
Times Downloaded: 186

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