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Orangie Orgy
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just like bill gates, hes already donated loads to charities and fundraisers.
And from what ive heard he;s gonna spend the rest of his entire fortune to them before he dies
30.10.05 08:10
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[G]simon (swed simon)
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Well that's very nice of them (or should I say smart marketing?)
30.10.05 10:51
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Quoted :: Bloopy

Should everyone have the same or would that just not work?

People are selfish, which is why communism doesn't work that well.

30.10.05 12:08
Post #18
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
om nom nom nom nom
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Most millionares have earned what they have. I dont mind that. Its just things like the lottery and being generally very very lucky.
31.10.05 17:35
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It's like one in three billion chances of winning the lotto.

31.10.05 20:13
Post #20
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