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Just general talk about politics, and your views on it.

Sorry if there is already a thread about this, but im too lazy to search for it An image!
28.10.05 15:07
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Statusless? Maybe
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

Politics is boring if you have less than 25 years.............
28.10.05 18:12
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[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Oh yes, There will be blood.

Quoted :: Archamond

Politics is boring if you have less than 25 years.............

Lol hahah...So true! Who would want to talk about Politics anyway?

An image!
29.10.05 09:24
Post #3
Last edited: 29.10.05 09:24 (xxxtra1x1x - 1 times) [WWW] [Hide Sig (4)] [Profile] [Quote]
[G]simon (swed simon)
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I actually watch and comment politics pretty regularly. Rarely on the Internet tough.
29.10.05 10:21
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Quoted :: xxxtra1x1x

Quoted :: Archamond

Politics is boring if you have less than 25 years.............

Lol hahah...So true! Who would want to talk about Politics anyway?

Because its soemthing to talk about.
29.10.05 14:44
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A wise man once said that there are two things that you should never discuss heatedly.

One of them is religion.
Can we all guess what the other one is?
29.10.05 16:06
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Words that rhyme with orange?

Learn to look, look to learn.
29.10.05 17:09
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Quoted :: The Pope

Words that rhyme with orange?*nge&scwo=1&sswo=1
29.10.05 18:43
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Last edited: 29.10.05 18:45 (Kyle225 - 3 times) [Hide Sig (14)] [Profile] [Quote]
[]The Pope
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Nope, enrage you say en-rage and orange is or-unge :P

Learn to look, look to learn.
29.10.05 19:34
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Mabey he has some bizzar american pronouceation :P

29.10.05 19:51
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In my oppinion, this thread is pointless. Politics is diffrent everywhere else and since were are all far apart and live in diffrent countries, then it is pretty much difficult to discuss on this subject.

29.10.05 20:05
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Well I could say "who here loves bush and who here wishes he wasn't born?" and everyone would understand what I'm saying.
29.10.05 21:24
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Why don't you say anything on your political views Kyle?

I think human greed and laziness make politics a very difficult thing. There's always some people who want to be rich and do less work, and that means they ensure there's a government in place to control everybody else.

What do you all think about the fact that some people have a fuckload more money than others? Should everyone have the same or would that just not work?


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
30.10.05 02:42
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Quoted :: Bloopy

What do you all think about the fact that some people have a fuckload more money than others? Should everyone have the same or would that just not work?

I think it's unfair when people have billions and billions. (they should donate) However, if someone is only semi-wealthy (like their net worth is only $1 million), I don't mind that.
30.10.05 04:36
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Quoted :: C1

Quoted :: Bloopy

What do you all think about the fact that some people have a fuckload more money than others? Should everyone have the same or would that just not work?

I think it's unfair when people have billions and billions. (they should donate) However, if someone is only semi-wealthy (like their net worth is only $1 million), I don't mind that.

Many multi-billionaires do donate very large amounts of money to charity, though due to their large amount of money, it goes unnoticed.



30.10.05 08:07
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