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Poll: Have you ever used a 56k connection at home?
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Quoted :: The Pope

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Pio: Jeez, 50mb downstream/ 5mb upstream for around £12 on that site. It's...crazy and upsetting. Then again, it's a small country and doesn't take much upgrading to cover all the populants.

awwwww SNAP! Will this service ever be availible in the US or Canada?

pio edit: its ohhhh snap kyle ;s
25.10.05 13:10
Post #16
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Quoted :: Kyle225

Quoted :: The Pope

A single line

Pio: Jeez, 50mb downstream/ 5mb upstream for around £12 on that site. It's...crazy and upsetting. Then again, it's a small country and doesn't take much upgrading to cover all the populants.

awwwww SNAP! Will this service ever be availible in the US or Canada?

Only if they bring Mountain Dew over to England. (Sounds like a fair swap to me)

25.10.05 16:59
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Quoted :: psymon
Only if they bring Mountain Dew over to England. (Sounds like a fair swap to me)

I thought we've already done that. Anyway, I thought US had all the fastest stuff, looks like I need to think outside the box.

25.10.05 19:49
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america is the fattest country on the face of the earth. We desurve some credit for that.
26.10.05 00:00
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Oh yes, that... Changes everything...

26.10.05 02:29
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I don't beleive that, I think thats just the media. I went out to get some things a the local Circle K at the wrong time as the High school just ended (im no longer in school) and I dont remember seeing 1 fat person. Actually, the last fat person I saw was a retarded kid
26.10.05 02:41
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Well, you could give it to the Philppines... it's quite expensive and it's really slow. But not as slow as this...

26.10.05 02:41
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Quoted :: Pioneer322

I don't beleive that, I think thats just the media. I went out to get some things a the local Circle K at the wrong time as the High school just ended (im no longer in school) and I dont remember seeing 1 fat person. Actually, the last fat person I saw was a retarded kid

Same here. I never often see fat people around. And when I said "same here", I meant that literally, I saw 1 fat person too that happened to be retarded, well, at least I think he is. I'd explain how he could be retarded but I'd go to hell. Or at least increase my chances in going to hell.

26.10.05 02:50
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Quoted :: Zippy

Quoted :: Pioneer322

I don't beleive that, I think thats just the media. I went out to get some things a the local Circle K at the wrong time as the High school just ended (im no longer in school) and I dont remember seeing 1 fat person. Actually, the last fat person I saw was a retarded kid

Same here. I never often see fat people around. And when I said "same here", I meant that literally, I saw 1 fat person too that happened to be retarded, well, at least I think he is. I'd explain how he could be retarded but I'd go to hell. Or at least increase my chances in going to hell.

Perhaps your view on what's "fat" is different.
Do you mean disgustingly obese or like..just big?

- I've seen people from just this site allowed that I'd say are fat. But..not disgustingly obese.
29.10.05 05:26
Post #24
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Orangie Orgy
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edit: but on subject of fat, i view it as having a gut of any kind..
29.10.05 05:37
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I see "fat" as someone with a BMI (Body Mass Index) as Overweight.



29.10.05 09:53
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