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How about "cs_office" or "de_aztec"? Those are good levels

Or for those who have it "de_dust3"


03.10.05 23:13
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assault ftw.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
03.10.05 23:34
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Team BTP still needs 2 more players. If you can't, I'll join BTP (yay!) and we'll go 5v5.

04.10.05 17:44
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I vote de_aztec!

Can we definatly not have de_inferno? That map lags to hell for me. Need more ram. :/

04.10.05 19:59
Post #19
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: psymon

Team BTP still needs 2 more players. If you can't, I'll join BTP (yay!) and we'll go 5v5.

im in.
04.10.05 22:58
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Oh yes, There will be blood.

Well I have CS at my Dad's house, & I'm not going to be there on the 8th, & it will probably be around 12 am when this whole thing kicks off anyway, I live in Australia.

An image!
05.10.05 03:00
Post #21
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Quick update. NPF might be getting a 6th person so I can join BTP again! Saturday at 5pm has been finalised as the time and date. All BTP has to do now is vote for a tag format. Like [BTP]NAME or whatever.

05.10.05 14:54
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Well I'll be [BTP]The_Pope.UK or whatever the tag is...

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05.10.05 15:28
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Quoted :: xxxtra1x1x

Well I have CS at my Dad's house, & I'm not going to be there on the 8th, & it will probably be around 12 am when this whole thing kicks off anyway, I live in Australia.

We are playing Counter-strike: source. Not Counter-strike.

05.10.05 16:42
Post #24
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: The Pope

Well I'll be [BTP]The_Pope.UK or whatever the tag is...

And that's what it'll be. Blame Pope if you don't like it. (Well that was easy)

EDIT: I am now part of Team BTP again! WOOHOO! Time for a player list of both teams:

Team BTP:
The Pope

Team NPF:
Darth SS
Mirai Gen

05.10.05 18:01
Post #25
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Well guys, good luck and god speed :P


05.10.05 21:11
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[]The Pope
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Any more news on map?

Learn to look, look to learn.
05.10.05 21:17
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Quoted :: The Pope

Any more news on map?

If I can find a way, I might just set it on random.

06.10.05 13:51
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How are you creating the sever? If you just click "create server" in-game then there are map options right infront of you. o.O

06.10.05 14:40
Post #29
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: HarrY

How are you creating the sever? If you just click "create server" in-game then there are map options right infront of you. o.O

Yeah, just clicking "Create Server" and going from there. I think it does come with a custom map option, so I'll just use that.

06.10.05 15:13
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