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The Nuklear Power Forums invite members of Blame The Pixel to a game of Counter Strike Source this coming Saturday.

It will be 6 a side so we need 6 members of BTP to enter. This is not a tournament game and is just a lark game between 2 websites. If you are interested in playing, you have to free to play next Saturday, the 8th of October. First 6 people get to play (because I'm going to have to play as NPF)

See you Saturday!

02.10.05 18:38
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I'm in. I'll look into weather dwbs can be used for this. Don't expect it tho. 12 people is alot for his connection.

02.10.05 18:42
Post #2
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
[G]the candy man
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Quoted :: psymon

(because I'm going to have to play as NPF)

deserting us are you psymon? ey
02.10.05 18:56
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Quoted :: The candy Man

Quoted :: psymon

(because I'm going to have to play as NPF)

deserting us are you psymon? ey

I know. I had to play for one of the websites, and seeing as I don't think they would be able to get a 6th person. So I'm going to have to play for them. We might end up switching around a bit anyway. Who knows?

02.10.05 19:16
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If there was a WA one... because I don't have CS :(
02.10.05 19:28
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

I'm in. See you there.

An image!
02.10.05 19:46
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Quoted :: ArcBeetle

If there was a WA one... because I don't have CS :(

Sorry Arcwang. Outside of BTP, we won't get many players.

Ok, we (What am I on about?) Team BTP needs 3 more players.
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02.10.05 19:56
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[]The Pope
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I'm in, aslong as it's at a reasonable time.

NPF shall cry all the way home, aslong as we play a dust map :P

Learn to look, look to learn.
02.10.05 21:07
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[G]the candy man
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btw in case you think im playing... im not
im away this weekend
02.10.05 21:25
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How many games will we play? If it's only one i'd rather not play a dust map. So amazingly bored of that map. So many servers host it. I vote for de_train and/or de_aztec!

PS: Team BTP, we should get together and play a little 3v3, get to know how we all play and the like. :) (That dwbs could do, i'm sure ;) )

Edit: DWBS can take 12 people, but it would probably be laggy.

Edit: Does anyone use a mic? I'll be using mine, but I find that the radio commands work fine. (Appart from the incredibly menotenous voices valve made for them)

02.10.05 21:36
Post #10
Last edited: 02.10.05 22:39 (HarrY - 2 times) [Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I should be in

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
02.10.05 23:29
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How does 5PM English time sound? So that's 9AM-12Noon for the Americans.

Also, Vote for which maps you want to play!
PS: Anyone who says dust gets killed first.

03.10.05 14:45
Post #12
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Quoted :: psymon

PS: Anyone who says dust gets killed first.

Pope already said it ;)

If this could be moved to Sunday at 5pm, I could join because I have work Saturday.
Damnnit! Really wanted to defend BTP aswell :cry:


03.10.05 16:00
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[]The Pope
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What do you have against dust? It's a classic and the only map (along with dust2 and occasionaly office) I play ><

Learn to look, look to learn.
03.10.05 16:53
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Quoted :: The Pope

What do you have against dust? It's a classic and the only map (along with dust2 and occasionaly office) I play ><

I was joking about the anti-dust thing. It's just that every other server is 24/7 Dust.

03.10.05 17:06
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