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Lord Mushroom
I want to add a new gametype to the list of gametypes, but I have difficulties registrating so I am hoping someone else can do it for me.
The game is like this:
"Red vs Purple, Green vs Blue.
If your enemy is alive, you canĀ“t attack other players unless the attack also damages your enemy."
You can use any maps and settings.
If someone quits while alive, I have used the following rule:
"If your enemy quits, you must still kill him and also skip every 3rd turn untill he is dead."
You canĀ“t fit that into the gametype-description, but now YOU know this at least.
Please name the gametype "Lord Mushroom Mode" ("Mush" for short) to satisfy my ego.
Cursed be the quitters I have met.
Good luck
22.08.05 02:25 Post #1 | [Quote] |
Statusless Send PM Posts: 1129
Threads: 23 Money: £1.90 (D) (+ Friend) 
I have added it, Its a good mode I hope it will be pretty popular
22.08.05 21:54 Post #2 | Last edited: 22.08.05 21:54 (ArcBeetle - 1 times) |
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Lord Mushroom
It already has its followers  .
I have hosted dozens of those games, but now I am getting tired of WWP  , so it is time to let go of my role as sole hoster of those games  . Selfish to the end  .
23.08.05 03:00 Post #3 | [Quote] |
Statusless Send PM Posts: 1129
Threads: 23 Money: £1.90 (D) (+ Friend) 
No problem.
By the way do you want to upload the scheme too?
24.08.05 14:34 Post #4 | [Hide Sig (9)] [Profile] [Quote] |
Lord Mushroom
No, let us let people use their own imagination.
Besides, uploading sounds like work.
25.08.05 23:47 Post #5 | [Quote] |
Forsetti Send PM Posts: 4241
Threads: 98 Mood: Godly Money: £8.24 (D) (+ Friend) 
It was also work to add it to the schemes section, and also work to even make these posts.
Coincidentally, why don't you just sign up here at BTP?
26.08.05 05:28 Post #6 | [Youtube] [Hide Sig (12)] [Profile] [Quote] |
Statusless Send PM Posts: 1129
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Which problems do you had to sign up? Non-Working Email?
26.08.05 14:49 Post #7 | [Hide Sig (9)] [Profile] [Quote] |
Single Send PM Posts: 4158
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Which problems do you had to sign up? Non-Working Email?
Selfish to the end  .
You tell me.
26.08.05 16:57 Post #8 | [Twitter] [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote] |
Lord Mushroom
When I click on the link in the e-mail I get from BTP I get an error message.
Anyways, it does not matter because I do not think I will play WWP for a long long time, and after ArcBeetle did this favour for me I have no longer a reason to sign up either.
29.08.05 00:46 Post #9 | [Quote] |
Looking For Status Send PM Posts: 0
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That email verification has been nothing but a hassle since it's been added..
29.08.05 02:09 Post #10 | [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote] |
Statusless Send PM Posts: 1129
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Thats strange, the email verification worked perfectly for me.
However I think the email verification is necessary for avoid create duplicated accounts easily
29.08.05 14:19 Post #11 | [Hide Sig (9)] [Profile] [Quote] |
Forsetti Send PM Posts: 4241
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ArcBeetle, you can just as easily make another hotmail account and then register again...
29.08.05 14:45 Post #12 | [Youtube] [Hide Sig (12)] [Profile] [Quote] |
Statusless Send PM Posts: 1129
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yes but without the email verification it would be even easier
29.08.05 14:46 Post #13 | [Hide Sig (9)] [Profile] [Quote] |
Statusless Send PM Posts: 2600
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Yes, but the verification for the email was shortly introduced after "He who must not be named" spam attacked BTP.
[If I'm correct that is?]

29.08.05 18:18 Post #14 | [Hide Sig (10)] [Profile] [Quote] |
Orangie Orgy Send PM
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Ting, wrong somewhat
Email verification was here since forever (afaik)
Kyle used only one hotmail account for his gay ass spam BTP accounts and just used tabs, or a different window to refresh his inbox of validating the accounts..
And it goes on
29.08.05 18:45 Post #15 | [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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