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Quoted :: Pioneer322

Ting, wrong somewhat
Email verification was here since forever (afaik)
Kyle used only one hotmail account for his gay ass spam BTP accounts and just used tabs, or a different window to refresh his inbox of validating the accounts..
And it goes on

What are you on about Pio? Email verification is new.
The only times I've ever encountered an email from btp was when the passwords got fucked (but they got fixed) and when I changed my email in my email box to test to see how email verification worked after it was made.
30.08.05 05:32
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Orangie Orgy
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Well, as far as I can remember its gotta be more than a year or 2 old, depending on how much i can remember
30.08.05 05:33
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Quoted :: Pioneer322

Well, as far as I can remember its gotta be more than a year or 2 old, depending on how much i can remember

Possibly a year, but not even close to 2.
31.08.05 00:57
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