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Even those which AGREED with him???

That guy is just a moron
08.08.05 16:03
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His basic opinion is that if you're a gamer, you have no opinion whatsoever.
08.08.05 20:28
Post #62
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Gunna ask him what's an opinion with my Spider-Man Tubig gmail account.

Edit: Ahh shit. Screwed up on the Subject, left part of it out and it's grammar makes no sense.

08.08.05 20:51
Post #63
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Quoted :: Glenn

His basic opinion is that if you're a gamer, you have no opinion whatsoever.

For God's sakes... this is bloody ridiculous. That guy was more reasonable and kind to Thompson than anybody I've seen. Yet he still replies like an arrogant bastard. I love the fact that he claims that gamers are "afraid" of him, and yet he's clearly blotting out the bare, simple truth: he's an idiot. By this point, this VG Cats strip sums it up rather nicely.

Scott (the artist) also had a similarly unsuccessful conversation with Jackass Thompson.


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
08.08.05 22:09
Post #64
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Yes, I've seen the email log of that too. And, is it really true that Thompson contacted HIM instead of the other way around?
09.08.05 05:42
Post #65
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Right, I just wanna clear things up about the whole "doll having nipples" thing.

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Anyways, Jackass Thompson needs to be shot. He's trying to help children and games.
Yet he won't listen to the people who play the games.


09.08.05 14:55
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Heh Runt I dunno how explicit your doll pic is but it's blocked when I try to view it at university. :P


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
10.08.05 21:39
Post #67
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I can't see Runt's doll picture, but I do remember seeing on some sex show life sized dolls. The gross part of it is that people have sex with them.

11.08.05 04:31
Post #68
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I think the host of Runt 's picture doesnt allow hotlinks

Try downloading it and uploading it to other site ;)
11.08.05 14:15
Post #69
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all u need to do is put the link to the picture in ur browser address bar then it works =)
12.08.05 04:46
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....what are you guys talking about? it looks just fine
12.08.05 05:12
Post #71
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didn't for me until I dragged it to ye ole address bar (and reloaded). Their hotlinking image is quite big, though, and not a very obvious one.

You know I'm a dancing machine
12.08.05 14:00
Post #72
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For me it didnt, I got something which says: "Snapsoids, the snaps you need"
12.08.05 14:23
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12.08.05 19:53
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