
BTForum » Other Stuff » BlameTheSuggestions » Oversized Exclamations

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Can we get them custom colored? I can't see them with this design and I don't feel like turning it off or changeing my design.

29.06.05 22:01
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you can colour them with html tags, which design are you on? whoever made it needs to fix it.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
30.06.05 10:43
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That would be, you Readme :D
He uses ultra inverted.
Same thing goes to GoD desgin, but I turned those oversized !'s awf...
30.06.05 11:58
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Quoted :: ReadMe

you can colour them with html tags, which design are you on? whoever made it needs to fix it.

I doubt you don't know what I'm talking about. When you type multiple exclamation marks in a row, they get larger. I'm pretty sure it's an image, not a text thingy.


30.06.05 15:56
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yes it is an image (i have nothing better to do than check the source code!) so some scripts will need to be made if the custom colour thing is going to go ahaed! *cough* ReadMe *cough*


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

30.06.05 17:02
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yeh the exclamation code was very early and pretty terrible. Bigger font sizes would have been a better choice.

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30.06.05 18:19
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Quoted :: ReadMe

you can colour them with html tags, which design are you on? whoever made it needs to fix it.

let me try... !

Edit:doesnt work (quote for see the html code)
30.06.05 20:54
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Wouldn't this be a good idea for people who are HTML illiterate? (like me)


30.06.05 23:24
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[font color="#0000FF">![/font>

That code(replace the "[" by "<") makes the "!" appears in red because 0000FF is the color code for red in HTML

Code explained :D

01.07.05 12:55
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At least i have chicken!
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nope because its about images you need to upload separate images for each coloUr (americans!) and make a script that enables yyou to select the colour like !r! could be red!


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

01.07.05 14:55
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Or we could choose the colour we want or ! to be in the edit profile section?
Like changing our torso's colours.


01.07.05 15:01
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Quoted :: Runt

Like changing our torso's colours.

but please FREE
01.07.05 15:32
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