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There has to be at least 15 plots of land underconstruction and the owners of thes plots have not been on BlameThePixel for months... as a matter of fact, i havnt seen StarWorms on in over 6 months.. Falkra as well... So what im saying is getting rid of all the plots the owners forgot about and putting them back up for sale to people that actually want to show there work...
25.06.05 03:05
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I agree with this. In fact, there should be some code added that if your plot of land doesn't have a house on it within 1 month, the plot of land is resold.
25.06.05 17:07
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viewprofile.php for Star Worms:

Last active: 81040 minutes ago (that's 56.278 days)

He doesn't visit forums very often anymore...
25.06.05 21:01
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Quoted :: Glenn

Last active: 81040 minutes ago (that's 56.278 days)

thats based on the time ago he logged in?

27.06.05 14:26
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That's based on the last time he was on any page on the site.
27.06.05 15:47
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[]Star Worms
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I bought 2 plots of land a while ago because Vision and someone else said they'd make me a building and I said I'd give them something like 1000 in BTP money but they never made it, and I haven't been here for ages. I'll go and sell them.

I can't find them. Maybe they've been sold on now?

29.06.05 17:40
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Last edited: 29.06.05 17:44 (Star Worms - 1 times) [RealVG] [Hide Sig (11)] [Profile] [Quote]
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yeh I removed them just after this thread was posted.

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29.06.05 17:55
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At least i have chicken!
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lol you should demand compensation! :mrgreen:


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

30.06.05 11:00
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there's now a sticky* thread in blametheart that will let you see people who have bought plots but not put a house down, and when they were last online at BTP.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
30.06.05 11:19
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[]Star Worms
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1) Adding the date when each plot was bought would be a good idea so you can tell who isn't building anything in the future. That way we can track them in the future. Perhaps PM those who have the lots above and say they will be removed in 30 days if nothing is added to them (or something like that). Keep them there if they reply and say they will build something there, let them sell them if they have no use for them and sell them for them after 30 days if they haven't replied and nothing has been done.

2) Add a mortgage to pay on each house or up the price of the lots. Adding a mortgage would mean people would be constantly paying for the lots so they wouldn't want them. Add the invitation of tenants, then people would be more inclined to build something there so that they can invite people to live there so they can make money out of them.

02.07.05 10:41
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Quoted :: Star Worms

1) Adding the date when each plot was bought would be a good idea so you can tell who isn't building anything in the future. That way we can track them in the future. Perhaps PM those who have the lots above and say they will be removed in 30 days if nothing is added to them (or something like that). Keep them there if they reply and say they will build something there, let them sell them if they have no use for them and sell them for them after 30 days if they haven't replied and nothing has been done.

2) Add a mortgage to pay on each house or up the price of the lots. Adding a mortgage would mean people would be constantly paying for the lots so they wouldn't want them. Add the invitation of tenants, then people would be more inclined to build something there so that they can invite people to live there so they can make money out of them.

Would mortage exist after you build the house too?? That would suck for everyone else. But I would still keep it if the mortage is (really) cheap and we can the little tenants and forums again..
02.07.05 19:08
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there's still no D in tenants. ;)

It would all be good, and it would also be quite a bit of work ;)

You know I'm a dancing machine
02.07.05 19:40
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Quoted :: ZoGgEr!

there's still no D in tenants. ;)

It would all be good, and it would also be quite a bit of work ;)

No? I thought they updated the dictionary just for me :P
02.07.05 22:54
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[]Star Worms
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Quoted :: ZoGgEr!
It would all be good, and it would also be quite a bit of work ;)
But it would be well worth it *hint hint*

10.07.05 13:00
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Quoted :: Star Worms

Quoted :: ZoGgEr!
It would all be good, and it would also be quite a bit of work ;)
But it would be well worth it *hint hint*

Can't you copy most of the code from the old pixelville?
10.07.05 18:03
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