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Quoted :: Glenn

Heheheh. Did you come up with that all by yourself or did you have some help :P?
If Microsoft actually did release a device to rival the ipod, they'd be in legal suits so fast their heads would be spinning. Apple's already killed one other company that tried to make a rival.

I believe the creative media players use windows media player, and the creative zen portable media player at least looks very windows-y, so I'd imagine these were released in some kind of partnership with microsoft. And besides that point, all these companies already have released these rival products, and a law suit that could take down a small computer with a headphone jack would be going a bit far... but then, there are plenty of peopole who sue for the stupidest of reasons I guess.. heh :)

You know I'm a dancing machine
01.03.05 11:12
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Quoted :: Pioneer322

The guy got the buttons wrong, its
Yellow(y) Red(b)
Blue(x) Green(a)
Yellow(y) Blue(x)
Green(a) Red(b)
...its obvious hes never owned a microsoft product
([S]Pioneer322 <3 xbox)

It's actually supposed to be more like an iPod than an XBox.

Quoted :: XxSpIDerxX

I wonder how much you need to squeeze that thing to make it fit into your pocket like the ipod does......

While actually it looks like a fake made from a removable PC HD case

You're being sarcastic right? Do do realize the entire thing is a joke, don't you? :P
01.03.05 13:34
Post #17
Last edited: 01.03.05 13:34 (joetheeskimo5 - 1 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I do. Hence it being on a porn site. Imagining something is real and speculating about it is always fun, however
01.03.05 16:34
Post #18
Last edited: 01.03.05 16:35 (XxSpIDerxX - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quite obviously judging by the screenies, the hdd is upgradable.

No more space issues evar!
02.03.05 09:26
Post #19
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I am amazed by the number of people who appear to believe this.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
02.03.05 23:32
Post #20
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I don't beleive in it, look at the size for starters


03.03.05 01:46
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Orangie Orgy
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My laptop would be my Ipod... if I had one :P
because i dont go anywhere :)
03.03.05 02:17
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[G]the candy man
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i would never trade my ipod for that thing... its huge

and somehow i dont think its rea;
03.03.05 08:06
Post #23
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Anyone who thinks thats real, deserves a gigantic slap in the face.


side note : my mp3 player is dead *cry*

well, the sound channels are borked, and now ill have to pay creative to fix it or some shit.
03.03.05 10:23
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Quoted :: ReadMe

I am amazed by the number of people who appear to believe this.

Yeah, 0 is an a pretty amazing number alright. ;)

03.03.05 14:18
Post #25
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Quoted :: joetheeskimo5

Quoted :: ReadMe

I am amazed by the number of people who appear to believe this.

Yeah, 0 is an a pretty amazing number alright. ;)

I'd have to disagree Joe, people are replying as if it is actually going to be released, rather then just laughing at it
03.03.05 16:30
Post #26
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The person who thought up this fake XPOD, drew the images and described it, really has too much time on their hands.
06.03.05 22:49
Post #27
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Quoted :: C1

The person who thought up this fake XPOD, drew the images and described it, really has too much time on their hands.

says you with 7000+ posts
07.03.05 17:11
Post #28
Last edited: 08.03.05 17:49 (DreamEater - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
[G]the candy man
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although i do agree with C1
07.03.05 18:17
Post #29
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Its what look slike a hard drvie box, with a few circuits found lying around.

A foam sheet with an xbox sticker and some jelly beans.

Add in the bits out of a computer, and im sure it took them almost half an hour to make!
08.03.05 10:53
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