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Shouldn't we just make a new thread??

Trains Planes and Automobiles
13.03.05 22:00
Post #301
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Oh, so this is song names now eh? Ok then.

Still the One

edit: no no no. Read the post. [both of you have got it wrong so far as C1 missed mine ;)]

I'll substitute one here

Just to clarify: it's a word from the previous song title i.e. 'plane' here. [obviously not 'on' or 'a' because that would be a tad boring]

Leaving on a Jet Plane


13.03.05 23:55
Post #302
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I messed it up because Zog posted after I had open this window.
I can't think of a song title that has plane in it I'll let someone else post one..
14.03.05 01:53
Post #303
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sigh. It doesn't have to be the same word in every song title, you have Jet or Leaving / Leave to choose from. Despite the fact that I did the last one:

If you leave me now

You know I'm a dancing machine
14.03.05 11:15
Post #304
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This is Now

14.03.05 11:23
Post #305
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Ah! I get it now. Sorry :P

Now Is The Time


14.03.05 15:25
Post #306
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Can't Stop, So what?

14.03.05 16:07
Post #307
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Quoted :: Runt

Now Is The Time

Quoted :: psymon

Can't Stop, So what?

Continuing from Runt's, Its now or Never
14.03.05 16:32
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EDIT: Whups, Didn't read the rules to well. Sorry.

14.03.05 17:01
Post #309
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Never Say Never


14.03.05 18:07
Post #310
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14.03.05 19:00
Post #311
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Don't be an idiot...where will one word take us? Nowhere.

Never as tired as when i'm waking up
14.03.05 20:35
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When you wish upon a star.
14.03.05 21:18
Post #313
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I couldn't think of another song title with Never :P

Jesus Christ Superstar
14.03.05 21:57
Post #314
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[G]the candy man
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Jesus of Suburbia

Green Day
shit song
14.03.05 22:26
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