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What are your views on screen-watching. Do you class it as cheating? Do you screen-watch yourself? Post your views.

I, Myself, have often found myself screen-watching. If they don't want me screen-watching, don't put it so close to mine!

16.02.05 21:32
Post #1
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What's screen watching?
16.02.05 22:01
Post #2
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Like, when you're playing split screen, or at a LAN.. looking at someone else bit.
16.02.05 22:02
Post #3
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[G]the candy man
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ummm...... yeah i supose it is cheating in a way....

doesnt mean i wouldnt do it though
16.02.05 22:06
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Yeah I say it's cheating.
16.02.05 22:18
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I'd say it's cheating, more or less depending on the type of game. I'd say it's DEFINITELY cheating in an RTS like Starcraft, given you know just what the enemy is doing and what to do without having to make any witty strategies. If you're FPSing, it depends. If they're sniping at you, then yes, as you can just look where they're aiming from. If you're in a heated gunfight in a fairly open place, then not so much. I think it goes without saying that in co-op, none of this applies :P


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16.02.05 23:33
Post #6
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Cheating... Especially on LAN first person shooters


16.02.05 23:35
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I think it's cheating, but if I felt I was being real cheap I wouldn't do it. At least I hope I wouldn't.

17.02.05 03:17
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I say it's cheating if it's an opponent's screen, and not cheating if it's a teammate's screen. When you're playing an FPS, it's important to know where the enemy is, and sometimes they're not going to call out when they're in a firefight (really the majority of the time). Of course, if you want to deal with the problem alltogether, just get everyone their own screen and keep them far enough apart that people can't look.
17.02.05 03:22
Post #9
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I despise it, my brother used to do it all the time.

I just stopped playing with himn at games that he benefited from screenwatching.

I only play beat em ups now with him. And he hates them.

Internet play = teh win, no screenwatching. I hope.
17.02.05 09:57
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I agree with Glenn, if it's an opponents screen then it will always be cheating to screen-watch, not matter the type of game. Screen-watching the teammate is fine.

17.02.05 15:10
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what are you supposed to do? particularly in 2 player when you see yourself moving out of the corner of your eye, you can't help but know someone is watching, and often where they are. You can agree to try not to screenlook, but really, as hard as you try, I can't believe anyone can avoid it completely.
So yes, online games are best.

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17.02.05 16:00
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I say its cheating, cuz u can see what the other guy is doing and judge your actions based on that.
Although i confess to screenwatcgin in FPS'


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17.02.05 16:22
Post #13
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Define cheating.

If the thing you say is cheating is something that anyone can do whenever, then its just another strategic element in the game. e.g. everyone can make their worm jump, and so make them jump over obstacles.

If the thing you say is cheating is something that only one or two people know about and can do it, then yes it is. E.G. if only one person knew how to jump in worms, that would make it very unfair.

There are exceptions, say if the element is very annoying. E.G. everyone had unlimited concrete donkeys in worms but it still wouldnt be classified as cheating.

My conclusion- not cheating.
17.02.05 17:30
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I'd definitly say it's cheating again.

It's more people who don't know maps well, or are just really bad players


17.02.05 18:11
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