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Poll: Bring Back This Feature
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One thing I have just spotted when veiwing a thread, the small bit of text at the top is gone.
The one that shows who is veiwing the thread at the same time as you.

Would it possible to bring it back?


18.01.05 22:24
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I also noticed that the text showing who's viewing the thread is gone, but I forgot to make a post about it.
19.01.05 07:08
Post #2
Last edited: 19.01.05 07:09 (Dingbats - 1 times) [Softbrain Games] [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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It's nice to know, but not really neccessary. I'd rather have a page that tells where all users online are currently located.
19.01.05 14:17
Post #3
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That would indeed be nice.
19.01.05 15:39
Post #4
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I have no idea why it was removed. It was never particularly accurate, because it was just who had viewed the thread in the last few mins and hadn't gone to any other page, but meh.

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19.01.05 15:58
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I just thought I'd bring it up really, since no-one else has mentioned it


19.01.05 17:39
Post #6
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[G]the candy man
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hmm i quite liked that

but i hadnt noticed it was gone....
24.01.05 20:39
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I enjoyed that little feature as well before it disappeared. Bring it back! :P

25.01.05 06:24
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There, poll added.


25.01.05 15:26
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[G]the candy man
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i vote yes.... not that it really bothers me....

its not going to make a huge impact on my life if its not there
25.01.05 20:30
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Exactly, which is why the admins probably wont be botherd to add this.

25.01.05 20:35
Post #11
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]

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