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Well, you can at least try the demo out. You can't really say it will never get better than W2/W:A, just because the previous forays into 3d didn't go to well...
13.01.05 16:25
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Quoted :: Glenn

Well, you can at least try the demo out. You can't really say it will never get better than W2/W:A, just because the previous forays into 3d didn't go to well...

exactly. besides, T17 are working their hardest to fix all the complaints about W3D, so they may very well HAVE fixed them all. we'll find out in about 6 months, regardless.

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
13.01.05 18:35
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6 months. Well this is something i haven't heard of for a while.

W4 maybe the quickest release since announcement i have seen.

I mean look at HL2 and GT4, they had many delays and teh release date changed. I hope this doesn't happen with W4


The meaning of life is.... Forty-two!

13.01.05 20:22
Post #18
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It says all original game modes, i wonder if it means all the ones that people use online e.g shoppa:?
13.01.05 20:26
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Cool, another worms game. I'll definately buy it and get a few hours of fun. ;)

13.01.05 20:43
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Quoted :: Pilki-AKA-Gollum

6 months. Well this is something i haven't heard of for a while.

W4 maybe the quickest release since announcement i have seen.

I mean look at HL2 and GT4, they had many delays and teh release date changed. I hope this doesn't happen with W4

They've been working on it since W3D was released. So, by the time of the projected release date, they would have worked on it for about a year and a half. That's pretty average for a game now, especially from a smaller company.
13.01.05 20:43
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Don't worry, they will delay it further when summer comes :P
13.01.05 22:20
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only to add more features for xbox live.


and only then in specific companies.
14.01.05 00:52
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So when will there be a demo? Doesn't mention one on the site.
It looks good and wouldn't mind trying it


14.01.05 01:24
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The forums say that the demo will be released right before or right after the release. Now, whether a leak will force them to release early again or not remains to be seen...
14.01.05 02:14
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Quoted :: Glenn

The forums say that the demo will be released right before or right after the release. Now, whether a leak will force them to release early again or not remains to be seen...

considering even the press release got leaked this time, I'd say it's a good possibility that the demo will get leaked as well

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
14.01.05 04:22
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The press release wasn't exactly leaked, they just displayed their news one day too early. Somewhat like retailers putting a game on store shelves before the release date.
14.01.05 18:42
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video available, and more coming soon.

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
28.01.05 16:57
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damn the expressions look awsome.
28.01.05 17:06
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Wow, that looks cool. Can't wait for the demo now to try it out


28.01.05 17:32
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