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Poll: IE vs. Fx
Firefox (Fx) 25 users
Internet Explorer (IE) 1 users
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Well, whoever doesn't like Firefox, its their loss lol.
02.01.05 04:02
Post #46
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At least i have chicken!
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That tweak works great thanks psymon!


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

02.01.05 11:02
Post #47
[©larkey252's Space] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Another suck thing found on IE!

It misses the nice shortcut buttons you can use to immediately change BTP designs.

(The news post, for more details)
03.01.05 16:25
Post #48
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switch to firefox or dont visit btp (or any site)! its that simple! its just a simple download!
03.01.05 16:33
Post #49
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You seem to be forgetting the instalation required.

03.01.05 18:13
Post #50
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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yes, you download and install... that was a prtty pointless post, i can see this going offtopic.
03.01.05 19:40
Post #51
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well i can easily say how much i hate IE, altho atm i also hate firefox and moz.

In fact, at this current point in tim i hate all browsers since they increased my workload today about 10 fold.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
03.01.05 20:15
Post #52
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[]Star Worms
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I hate Internet Explorer, I just merely dislike Firefox.

Internet Explorer just seems to decide to not load anything whatsoever sometimes, which is what made me change browsers in the first place.

03.01.05 20:29
Post #53
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I switched over to Firefox because I was having problems seeing something on this site (what it was escapes me), so I thought changing browsers would help. Of course, it didn't, but I was just too lazy to change back to IE. And now I love Firefox. Go me :roll:.
04.01.05 00:15
Post #54
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That is the best reason I have ever heard.
04.01.05 09:18
Post #55
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At least he has a reason..."use firefox cuz it pwns!" doesn't count as a reason in my book.
04.01.05 13:54
Post #56
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I have my reasons! Too many infact!
04.01.05 14:07
Post #57
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Firefox rocks. Can we just lock this thread or something?
05.01.05 23:17
Post #58
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It would die if you didnt ressurect it.
05.01.05 23:51
Post #59
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