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Poll: Who wants Real-Time Worms
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But what if they did make Real-Time Worms.A bazooka is flying right at you and you place a girder before you get hit.Or baseball bat a roper when hes flying.:)
02.01.05 04:13
Post #46
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Then the bazooka dude must bazooka faster and a girder and a roper must dodge. Of course if you made a realtime worms game, there would be an option to turn it off.
02.01.05 05:41
Post #47
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Ive been talking to people abotu this all the time, like " wouldn't it be good if this was realtime", although people just ignored me! It would be sooooooooooooooooo funny!
02.01.05 12:46
Post #48
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I like cats
11.01.05 00:07
Post #49
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Quoted :: jamesjkl




11.01.05 14:02
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It's called a dumbass spam post. That's why it's marked with Spam, and everybody ignored it...
11.01.05 14:14
Post #51
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It wasn't marked with the spam tag when I first saw it, but I apologize anyway.


11.01.05 23:10
Post #52
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I dont think that team17 are going to make a real-time worms, it would be cool but if you had to bye, no way, the only possible way to make a real-time worms would to re-program it, well sort of, ive confused myself...:?
21.03.05 16:29
Post #53
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It's be a cool idea in my opinion..but when would cr8 drops happen!? The chaos of random drops!
21.03.05 20:44
Post #54
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Quoted :: C1

The chaos of random drops!

Sounds kinda interesting really ;)


21.03.05 20:47
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The crates would probably drop like a slower version of the crate shower...
That is, if it ever happened, which it won't. Not through Team17 at least (or so they say for now).
21.03.05 21:31
Post #56
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Quoted :: Runt

I stick by what I said on Page 2 of this thread, about it being like Sonic Heroes.

I think that would be the better option, easier to control a team of worms, each having special unique ability, and swapt between them when ever you like.
That'd be like WWP Wormpot Specialist mode - I like it.
10.07.05 19:12
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