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Quoted :: Jay

Quoted :: joetheeskimo5

Man, that's ironic...Noiren has 14 posts, and she's already got a 20 seems all the other new users have 1-2 ratings before they even reach 10, thanks to Kyle's cloning machine (also known as register.php)

Noir has hung out in chat for many months, so by many of BTP's regulars.

Me, Pio, Dream, Knifa, etc

shes actually not that new, and is respected.

Hope that clears it up for you.

Dream isn't a regular. He's only a regular in the chat.
24.12.04 20:11
Post #61
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so that was badly worded, i was meaning in chat.
25.12.04 15:19
Post #62
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Quoted :: Jay

Quoted :: joetheeskimo5

Man, that's ironic...Noiren has 14 posts, and she's already got a 20 seems all the other new users have 1-2 ratings before they even reach 10, thanks to Kyle's cloning machine (also known as register.php)

Noir has hung out in chat for many months, so by many of BTP's regulars.

Me, Pio, Dream, Knifa, etc

shes actually not that new, and is respected.

Hope that clears it up for you.

*nods and looks at them all*
That answers it. Thankyou Jay for doing my work :P

Game over...
An image!
28.12.04 03:54
Post #63
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