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hey I used to play this game on a lot of other forums, I make these kind of topic so people can get to know eachother! :3 Especially for new users (like mee!)
16.12.04 23:10
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Why don't you start with yourself then.
16.12.04 23:17
Post #2
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Orangie Orgy
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1.) im not a racists F*cker cat
2.) its because im sexy
3.) Never!
4.) stfu
5.) u?

edit: 6.) the :3 is my symbol.
16.12.04 23:38
Post #3
Last edited: 16.12.04 23:38 (Pioneer322 - 1 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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1. I hate you
2. I hate Kyle (you)
3. \o/ is copyright me, use it and you will beshot on sight.
4. I liek animeh
5. I heart teh shorteh! SpoilerSpoiler (Click to Expand)Spoiler
6. I own
7. I made the auction system!
8. And the pixel pets, with big help from ReadMe
9. I live on BTP
17.12.04 00:24
Post #4
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I'm C1.
I made
I'm the most active member on BTP
I like imaging, coding, msn and worms on the computer. My actual life will remain a mystery...
Nuff said. I can't talk about myself..It's too hard.
17.12.04 01:46
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I'm Glenn
I hang around forums and play video games all day because I have nothing better to do.
I'm the fourth top poster on BTP.
I was the first normal user to attain User Rating 20.
I am a user admin.
I am in the advanced classes in school.
I am in the WrU, C, and Abd clans.
I get straight A's on my report card.
I like pizza.
I love RPGs.
I can't get enough of (acting like a fool) playing DDR.
I have a gmail account.
I have a hotmail account.
I have two Juno accounts.
I've dabbled in making images but I really suck at it.
I uphold user rights on this forum.
I'm willing to forgive kyle if he comes back and makes good.
I am the devil incarnate if you piss me off.
I understand j00.
I can type l33t very fast.
Apparantly I can throw swords over countries.
My name come from the game Chrono Trigger.
I've beaten over 60 games (probably way more than that).
I own a NES, SNES, Gameboy, GBA, PSX, PS2, and a computer.
I'm stuck on crappy dial-up.
I'm into programming.
I'm learning C++ now.
I've already learned Pascal, only because the C++ class had it as a prerequisite.
I live in the USA.
I wish I lived in Japan.
I'm into anime.
My favorite anime is Trigun.
I own both MegaTokyo volumes, and have signed copies of them.

And alot more, but this post is going to really stretch the page (vertically), and I'm too bored to type anymore. Was that good enough for you?
17.12.04 01:56
Post #6
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Out of Glenn's list these are the same:
I'm the fourth top poster on BTP. I'm First XD
I am a user admin.
I am in the WrU, C, and Abd clans. I'm only in Contra Clan out of those
I get straight A's on my report card. I have an A average of my report card
I like pizza.
I can't get enough of (acting like a fool) playing DDR. I hate it.
I have a gmail account.
I have a hotmail account.
I'm willing to forgive kyle if he comes back and makes good. I don't really care just shut up kyle and leave us alone
I am the devil incarnate if you piss me off.
I understand j00.
I can type l33t very fast.
I own a NES, SNES, Gameboy, GBA, PSX, PS2, and a computer. SNES, Gameboy Pocket, Gameboy Color, PSs, 2 computers
I'm stuck on crappy dial-up. I have ADSL
I'm into programming. I know PHP, html, I try at javascript but suck horribly..and other stuff too..don't know C++ tho..never tried it
I live in the USA. I live in Canada
17.12.04 02:03
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I'm Zippy
I used to be Duke
I think computers are teh l337!1
I hate school.
I always wanted to be famous for computer stuff.
I make maps for UT2k4.
Me and my freinds are 3 year in a row bowling champions.
I eat food.
I have a Road Runner and a Gmail account.
I always wanted to be admin or owner of a l33t site (unincluding my own;))
I have a face.
I used to be leader of WG before it died.
I'm in Contra.
My comp is a Dell Dimension 4550, with 4 speakers and a subwoofer with a printer/scanner thing... And it's in my house.
I play W:A.
I own
I'm 3rd place in file contributing.
I'm freinds with the wormers Split, Royal, and Monty.
I make pranks and upload them to the site.
I'm getting into clay movies.
And I invented the WTF scheme months ago for WWP!

17.12.04 02:33
Post #8
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I'm akuryou13.
my name means Evil Spirit, even though I'm actually a nice guy.
I've been told I'm a great sprite artist, but I still say my stuff looks horribly unprofessional and fairly lame.
I admit to being good at animation, and love to animate.
I plan to go to college for animation, and make a career out of it.
I've been playing games since I was 2 (yes, I'm serious, I was playing atary at age 2), and have owned every system ever made by nintendo, excluding the hand-helds, as I never really got into them.
I've played almost every Final Fantasy game, and never beaten a single one.
I'm a 3rd degree Brown Belt in Shotokan, and yes, I can kick your ass. :roll:
I have my own forum comic, and am working on making a web-comic out of it.
I'm a fast learner.
I'm a senior in high school in america
I've been dating the same girl for 3 years.
I'm extremely sarcastic, and fairly apathetic about most things.
I can come off as a jerk, but if you get to know me, I'm actually nice.
I work in a gaming store known as Electronics Boutique, so I get paid to talk about the games I play all the time.
I like soft, hard, punk, and normal rock songs, though I (oddly) like slow, hard rock songs most.
I'm the 6th or 7th top poster on the Team17 message board.
I'm typing this stuff randomly as I think of it.
I can't program at all.
I'm a level 25 Wizzie on EverQuest.
I'm a level 48 Guardian on Adventure Quest.
I've said enough.
I'm going to stop now.
This is my last line of text, so stop reading.

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
17.12.04 04:04
Post #9
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I am teh S0urce!
My faviort food is mashed potatos with gravy :P
I fucking hate school! Yet I still get good grades XD
I play worms armageddon frequently
I enjoy arcade/classic games
I have more then 5 game systems on my computer (woot!)
I spend all most of my free time on the computer, and watching television
I hate my 1st/3rd/4th period teacher ROAR
I like to download disographies of my faviort artists, such as linkin park and eminem, with eminem having 16 albums and linking park 11..I think
I have 4 drives
I format too damn much because I always end up getting shit on my computer that I cant get off
I like to watch movies (who doesn't :P)

in reply to zippy's post: wtf is the wtf scheme?
17.12.04 04:09
Post #10
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Orangie Orgy
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Quoted :: Source

I have 4 drives

Why do you need 4 drives?
17.12.04 04:13
Post #11
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Quoted :: Pioneer322

Quoted :: Source

I have 4 drives

Why do you need 4 drives?

Lots of reasons, I have many many games on my computer, (emulator roms) and the gamecube ones take up over a gb of space, besides, I got the 3rd one free from a friend of mine. :3
17.12.04 04:16
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I am spaz.
I'm quite lazy and procrastinate alot.
My favourite band is A perfect circle.
I'm a geek (people tell me i am)
I'm socially retarded.
My favourite genre of video game is RPG and FPS.
I like to draw but don't draw enough.
I'm addicted to Dr Pepper.
I built my own computer.
17.12.04 05:39
Post #13
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My real name is Dan ;O
Im 13
And i have ginger hair, and my mum says it makes me special.
I like FPS games, but think halo 2 is crap.
Since i got xbox live, i dont post as frequently on forums.
I have Xbox live.
Im not bright, but im not 'tarded, so i guess im normal.
Im crap with computers, always asking people... ;'|
Im a good roper on wa, if i do say so myself, lost some skill while been playing xbox tho.
I live in England, near Liverpool.
I have a webcam p:
I like rap, rnb, pop, and some of that bouncy bouncy stuff knifa listens to.
My favourite crisps are skips, there so yummy and stuffz.
My nickname at school is carrot, but dont everyone here start callling me it, or i will make a nickname up for you.
I like to bank.
I find playing lemmings every now and then, improves your mind. As does the Sims, but i use cheats for that [;

Thats all ;D
17.12.04 09:39
Post #14
Last edited: 17.12.04 09:41 (VisioN - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Im Jay, reasons for name, are of course private, but its not my real name ;o
I like riding street on my mtb
Ive spent too much money on my bike ( >1000 )
I built my own computer
I like to paint/build/game with games workshop models
I play FPS, and RTS games. But never finish them.
Ive recently taken a likeing to piercings, im desperate for my third helix/helix to conch industrial
I dont have many friends. But the few i have, are great
I dont go out during the day very often
Im a bitch
Im shy
I like gothic metal/rock, alot newer punk rock. Bad religion, they are teh best
I also like gothic/punk girls.
Lesbians are kewl
Im at college studying HND in multimedia tech and web dev
Im unemployed and always have been
Ill probably not apply to uni
Im logical
I have 2 brothers.
This house is too small
Im on medication for more than 2 months :(
I dont drink very often, and i dont smoke
I can fly a powerkite, but they are scary
Im in debt
I like the original mini's
I cant drive yet
Im 19
My birthday is the 26th november, the same day as my best friends.
I drink lots of milk
I like Pirates better than ninjas
Doom3 scares me
I like comedy films
I eat plastic and metal and other stuff too
I dont play worms anymore, but this site is my favourite
My hair is purple and getting a bit long
I love mint sauce the mountain biking sheep
MArtyn and MArtin are an inspiration

uh... thats alot. ill leave it at that
17.12.04 11:38
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