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There has been an out-break of the SPAZ Disease recently. The source? BTP Chat.

Anyone entering the chat will instatly catch it and start spelling funny and stuff like:
- the as teh, eg: i want teh lolicawn
- y ending as eh, eg: that is funneh
- saying y helo thar instead of hello
- catching an obsession of lawlicon
- using zlolz instead of lol
- adding oes do things with o as an ending, eg: noes!
- obsession with penis' and wangs.

so remember! use your "Teh Disease Protector" thingeh so you dont catch teh disease like J, THC and other peoples did, zlolz.

I made this because I got bored, and wanted to warn people XD
13.12.04 00:01
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That's right.
13.12.04 00:02
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ZOMGZ Leik roflagina?
Whee were talking abou7 Eckz Bawckz teh uber day and eye waaas liek, wang!
13.12.04 00:03
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Hey Megalomaniac
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That is the precise reason why I don't use BTP chat much at all. I will keep my grammar at all costs!


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13.12.04 00:07
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Orangie Orgy
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But its phun to go in thar :<
13.12.04 00:45
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Hey Megalomaniac
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NOES! I wont loose teh grammar! thats just tackeh! Noooo! Must... leave... *blah*


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13.12.04 01:15
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this thread is rather stupid, but funneh nonetehless.
13.12.04 01:19
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y helo thar knifeh, noes i dont have teh chat disease, zlolz
13.12.04 10:10
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hallos amigos
13.12.04 10:31
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Quoted :: Pioneer322

But its phun to go in thar :<

for you maybe... to me it's repetitive and unintelligent..
edit: :P

You know I'm a dancing machine
13.12.04 10:49
Post #10
Last edited: 13.12.04 10:49 (ZoGgEr! - 1 times) [Hide Sig (8)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: ZoGgEr!

to me it's repetitive and unintelligent..

And Thats why we love it.
13.12.04 11:03
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I go in there all the time, and I never lose my spelling sanity. Maybe I'm invurnerable to the disease :P.

Or maybe I'm just too cool...:lol:
13.12.04 14:15
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At least i have chicken!
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Knifa was just asking for wangs to coem here and say things such as i think teh wang pie is funneh! zlolz!


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

13.12.04 17:19
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Not online within the last half an hour My ACIDplanet profile, PHS. Please go check this out, my own made music

lucky i don't use the chat that much (just used it yesterday) but i am really bored...
ill today

My MSN Status is currently: An image!
14.12.04 13:46
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OMGzors! TEH BAD SPELLING!PH43R TEH HORRIBLE BAD NOES SPELLINGZOR! meh wang aer teh 1337 roxxors, an can baet yourz! zlolz!

I've never even BEEN in BTP chat ^_^

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
15.12.04 18:31
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