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So I wanted to rate some people up, just to test out the rating system right? So I click on the little rating box thingy, and it says I cant rate users down yet! Whats with that?
04.12.04 03:36
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You can only rate people up when your a normal user (you have been here and remained a btp member for a week). I , on the other hand, am not an admin. An admin can only help you with this problem. See an admin for help:)
04.12.04 03:42
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Orangie Orgy
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This is not a problem, its to keep some users from making accounts and using them from rating themselfs up
04.12.04 04:17
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Quoted :: Pioneer322

This is not a problem, its to keep some users from making accounts and using them from rating themselfs up

Do you have enough power to allow exceptions?
04.12.04 04:23
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no. deal with it for 2 weeks
04.12.04 04:26
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Whaou waitt he means is if you wait for 2 weeks, you can rate users up, not a big deal anyways.
04.12.04 04:30
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Orangie Orgy
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yes, every new users dealt with it, you should too.
04.12.04 04:31
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It's a bit odd it says "You cant rate users down yet.." after he tried to rate someone up though. I guess it just assumes you're trying to rate someone down alot by making loads of accounts. It should be fixed to say "You cant rate users yet.." instead or something.

04.12.04 08:00
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Quoted :: Khuzad

It's a bit odd it says "You cant rate users down yet.." after he tried to rate someone up though. I guess it just assumes you're trying to rate someone down alot by making loads of accounts. It should be fixed to say "You cant rate users yet.." instead or something.

But Moonlight had said that the error message said "You can't rate users down yet"


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04.12.04 09:07
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Wasn't that exactly the thing Khuzad just said? You don't need to repeat him...
04.12.04 09:11
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No matter wheather you are trying to rate up or down that is thew same error message i know because i had it a few weeks ago!


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

04.12.04 11:14
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What if you just want to see somebodies rating history?
04.12.04 15:54
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Now that doesn't matter, your allowed to do that i think. Im not sure.
04.12.04 15:57
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You can see the rating history except for anonomous ratings (which will come up as anons of course).
04.12.04 16:10
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Quoted :: Glenn

You can see the rating history except for anonomous ratings (which will come up as anons of course).

how can I see somebody's rating history if I cant even go to the ratings page?
04.12.04 17:22
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