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Quoted :: xEViLxCAtx

Wasn't that exactly the thing Khuzad just said? You don't need to repeat him...

lol, well []Pilki-AKA-Gollum's status is "Idiot" ;)

04.12.04 17:26
Post #16
Last edited: 04.12.04 17:26 (Khuzad - 1 times) [Hide Sig (8)] [Profile] [Quote]
Orangie Orgy
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Quoted :: Moonlight

What if you just want to see somebodies rating history?

how would you know what a rating history is if you just joined BTP and never saw some of this stuff?
And what are you doing IPcheck on yourself? New users know what that is?
Moonlight => shrooms on proxy
04.12.04 18:01
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Oh noes!

04.12.04 18:11
Post #18
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Quoted :: Pioneer322

Quoted :: Moonlight

What if you just want to see somebodies rating history?

I found the ip check by looking at people's profiles, and I know what user rating history is because I browsed around the site for a little bit before I signed up.

how would you know what a rating history is if you just joined BTP and never saw some of this stuff?
And what are you doing IPcheck on yourself? New users know what that is?
Moonlight => shrooms on proxy

I knew about the rating history because I didn't sign up immideatly(?sp) when I had joined, I had looked around a bit and browsed through the site a little. And I found the forumipcheck.php from looking at people's profiles.
04.12.04 18:37
Post #19
Last edited: 04.12.04 19:32 (Moonlight - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Errmm... you can't rate users down, DEAL WIT IT!
04.12.04 19:17
Post #20
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Quoted :: SegaSonic

Errmm... you can't rate users down, DEAL WIT IT!

Shut the hell up faggot, you have no idea what im talking about.
04.12.04 19:30
Post #21
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Faggot? Id insist youd not call a normal btp user a faggot, faggot.:D
04.12.04 19:37
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Quoted :: SegaSonic

Faggot? Id insist youd not call a normal btp user a faggot, faggot.:D

Who cares if your a normal, newb, or social users, that doesn't change that your an asshole.
04.12.04 21:25
Post #23
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roflmao he has a point segasonic i have seen some of your posts, spam would be an understement. And i cant believe that one on the Quiz thread.

Quoted :: SegaSonic

What if people spam too much and are focusing to spam in that particular thread?

That was fuking off topic spam. lmao. JACKASS!


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

04.12.04 22:24
Post #24
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Orangie Orgy
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Quoted :: Moonlight

Quoted :: SegaSonic

Errmm... you can't rate users down, DEAL WIT IT!

Shut the hell up faggot, you have no idea what im talking about.

wow, the only person i know that has that much disrespect to sonic is kyle.
And in your join thread, it says you Just joined. So, what about that IPcheck part eh?

Quoted :: moonlight
And I found the forumipcheck.php from looking at people's profiles.

Yeah. You only went there once, looking at YOUR own IPcheck. And, on peoples profiles, it doesnt give a direct link. especially if its .php?name=/moonlight .
Dont lie.
04.12.04 23:04
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Pio, leave him alone. I don't care if he is shrooms. I'm just tired of the whole godawful thing. If it is indeed shrooms, it'll slip up eventually. As long as no trouble is cause, don't worry about it.

And so help me God if you keep persecuting users that check abnormal pages with no real grounds for it, I'll take you down a peg or two myself. We're supposed to be keeping users here, not running them off with suspicions.

And he did see your profile several times before the ipcheck was ever made. The ipcheck page will come up in the most recent activities link, and it doesn't take that much to figure out how to perform one from there.
04.12.04 23:42
Post #26
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Quoted :: Pioneer322

Quoted :: Moonlight

Quoted :: SegaSonic

Errmm... you can't rate users down, DEAL WIT IT!

Shut the hell up faggot, you have no idea what im talking about.

wow, the only person i know that has that much disrespect to sonic is kyle.
And in your join thread, it says you Just joined. So, what about that IPcheck part eh?

Quoted :: moonlight
And I found the forumipcheck.php from looking at people's profiles.

Yeah. You only went there once, looking at YOUR own IPcheck. And, on peoples profiles, it doesnt give a direct link. especially if its .php?name=/moonlight .
Dont lie.

I hate sonic because hes being an asshole and spaming like a moron, that doesn't mean that oh, kyle hates sonic, so I guess everybody that hates sonic is kyle. and as for the ipcheck, who gives a fuck? I found the ip check in somebodies profile, and I happen to know a little php and just put my name in to test it out.
05.12.04 00:04
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I dont care either way what he does, its just that I dont wanna take the chance at shrooms going off onto another account, restarting life again. Well thats his fault.

I dont constantly bash new users to the forum. I welcome them. But you can blame kyle (who consistantly keeps coming back, after being banned over and over, thats just sad.) for these things to happen.
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I found the ip check in somebodies profile, and I happen to know a little php and just put my name in to test it out.

yes, but it takes you to "insert ipcheck name here".php.
but w/e, im sure people will start to bash me for having alittle suspicion about something.
05.12.04 00:09
Post #28
Last edited: 05.12.04 00:12 (Pioneer322 - 1 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: Pioneer322

I dont care either way what he does, its just that I dont wanna take the chance at shrooms going off onto another account, restarting life again. Well thats his fault.

I dont constantly bash new users to the forum. I welcome them. But you can blame kyle (who consistantly keeps coming back, after being banned over and over, thats just sad.) for these things to happen.
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interesting coinsedince(?sp), but a lot of other people signed up close to me.
05.12.04 00:11
Post #29
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I hate you moonlight. You know this didn't have to be this way.:oops:
05.12.04 01:10
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