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Poll: What is your favorite gun of the choices?
Covenant Carbine 0 users
Plasma Pistol (sucks) 0 users
Pistol 0 users
Plsma Rifle 1 users
Shotgun (rules) 4 users
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Halo 2 is da bomb! I love the pillar slide thingies when you are brutes. For those who have personal or technical problems with halo 2, id insist you'd not post here. ONLY HALO 2 FANS! My favorite gun is the Covenant Carbine.Whats yours?
02.12.04 00:00
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Orangie Orgy
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Quoted :: SegaSonic

Halo 2 is da bomb!

no. I say halo1 was because it wasnt so buggy

I love the pillar slide thingies when you are brutes.

erm... you never play as a brute the entire game

For those who have personal or technical problems with halo 2, id insist you'd not post here.

dont you sound professional, like there would be technical problems with an xbox game. and personal?

My favorite gun is the Covenant Carbine.

that gun sucks.

Whats yours?

Double SMG because i like automatic weapons.
02.12.04 00:22
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Quoted :: SegaSonic

Halo 2 is da bomb!

Halo 2 is overrated, and stupid, its a huge repeat of halo 1, and I can get it off emule i a month without having to pay a cent.

Quoted :: SegaSonic

I love the pillar slide thingies when you are brutes.


Quoted :: SegaSonic

For those who have personal or technical problems with halo 2, id insist you'd not post here.

Right, and how old are you?

Quoted :: SegaSonic


what exactly is going to stop me from posting here then?

Quoted :: SegaSonic

My favorite gun is the Covenant Carbine.

That gun is crap unless it shoots fucking super ass fast.

Quoted :: HALO 2 LOVER

Whats yours?

The gun that shoots the fastest.


The bunny owns you :>)
02.12.04 00:59
Post #3
Last edited: 02.12.04 01:02 (shrooms - 2 times) [Hide Sig (6)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Hrm... I'd have to say my favorite weapon is a tie between these two:
Dual wielding a SMG with a PMG and a melee attack (my prefered short range killing method). It's got the big advantage in dual wielding because you can continue to fire the PMG whilst reloading.
Sniper Rifle + Plasma Rifle. It's hard to get sniper rifle ammo because they won't respawn when you pick them up (until the rifle is dropped and disappears). So, just get both :D.
02.12.04 01:01
Post #4
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Halo 2 is overrated

because halo1 was a great game and alot of people expected halo2 to be mr.pwn?

and stupid, its a huge repeat of halo 1

???????? you never played halo2. And you dont know your stuff about the game. Its not just another FPS, its a fps with a Great storyline (that halo1, and 2 didnt finish, but the 4 books covers most to all of it)

Quoted :: HALO 2 LOVER
Whats yours?


The gun that shoots the fastest.

erm, all the guns "shoot the fastest" ...


and I can get it off emule i a month without having to pay a cent.

have fun with microsoft at your doorstep, if you know what i mean.
02.12.04 01:47
Post #5
Last edited: 02.12.04 02:31 (Pioneer322 - 1 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I agree with you, but there is no need to be correcting my sentences, everyone.
02.12.04 02:15
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Quoted :: Pioneer322

Halo 2 is overrated

because halo1 was a great game and alot of people expected halo2 to be mr.pwn?

and stupid, its a huge repeat of halo 1

???????? you never played halo2. And you dont know your stuff about the game. Its not just another FPS, its a fps with a Great storyline (that halo1, and 2 didnt finish, but the 4 books covers most to all of it)

Quoted :: HALO 2 LOVER
Whats yours?


The gun that shoots the fastest.

erm, all the guns "shoot the fastest" ...


and I can get it off emule i a month without having to pay a cent.

have fun with microsoft at your doorstep, if you know what i mean.

Microsoft can kiss my fat ass, they wont trace me as long as I got my trusty peergaudian program and my ip blocklist WEWET.


The bunny owns you :>)
02.12.04 05:03
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You have to have a mod chip to play downloaded xbox games. Xboxlive can immediatly detect if you have a mod chip installed, at that moment, can cancel your account, and FBI at your front door in seconds.
02.12.04 05:05
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At least i have chicken!
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I wish they made halo 2 for the Pc or PS2 because i haven't got an XBox :(


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

02.12.04 11:07
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Hey Megalomaniac
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They'd NEVER make it for the PS2. Halo is like Microsoft's main game franchise...


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02.12.04 12:33
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Quoted :: Pioneer322

My favorite gun is the Covenant Carbine.

that gun sucks.

you obviously haven't played with it enough, ;) I like it, similar to the BR really.


Whats yours?

Double SMG because i like automatic weapons.

I prefer something that doesn't involve just pointing the gun at someone and holding down triggers, but it's your choice. almost everything has a time and a place, just depends on the situation.

Gotta love vehicle boarding, although I play with someone (amongst other people) who is obsessed with playing waterworks and jumping in a tank, at least the rocket launcher on the bridge gets em out pretty easily ;). Always fun to try banshee vs wraith too, but I normally lose in that situation, gotta get every shot on target and avoid every shot to be really successful there. Haven't got to play on xbox live yet seeing as I don't have an xbox here and it's [probably] impossible to connect to live from halls (xbox nextdoor). Would like to try some games with more than 4 people tho.

edit: oh yeh wrong forum and.. you say carbine is the best then vote shotgun?

You know I'm a dancing machine
02.12.04 13:35
Post #11
Last edited: 02.12.04 13:38 (ZoGgEr! - 1 times) [Hide Sig (8)] [Profile] [Quote]
At least i have chicken!
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Quoted :: Thnikkaman

They'd NEVER make it for the PS2. Halo is like Microsoft's main game franchise...

I kow thats why it sux!


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

02.12.04 15:19
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Halo 2 sucks.
No offense but that's my opinion. Because Im into to real life situations that have happened in the past.
Example: Medal of Honor - WW2

Thats my sort of gamestyle, living what it was like at war. Even though it isn't actually 100% like it.
Those games still rock


02.12.04 17:20
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Quoted :: ZoGgEr!

Quoted :: Pioneer322

My favorite gun is the Covenant Carbine.

that gun sucks.

you obviously haven't played with it enough, ;) I like it, similar to the BR really.

I havent been getting any luck killing someone before they kill me :/
I think the carbine doesnt have the ammo it should have, maybe its just because the BR is a ballistic weapon, therefor quicker kills for non-sheilded
02.12.04 19:24
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Now for one of my questions.

Is the plasma pistol the same as it was in Halo 1?
If yes, plasma pistol does NOT suck!
If no, I don't really know what to say, as I don't have a XBOX.
02.12.04 20:08
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