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Poll: What Clan Name shall we have?
Destructive Noob Assasinators 0 users
Section 8 1 users
Daily Newb Assistors 0 users
Designed for Noob Armageddon (my idea) 0 users
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I just thought up of this idea, and here it is:

Currently I am the leader of 2 clans, DMT and WAN (which stands for War Against Noobs) WAN is essentially a training clan for "newbs". WAN fights against the n%bs who ruin a game for fun and for others disapproval.

As I am currently designing a site for DMT on dreamweaver. I could easily make a few changes for the merger of the two, which I propose.

I propose a merge between The Destructive Mayhem Team and the War Against Noobs Clan. I would very much like to hear your views on this as it will mean a revamped clan name and everything.

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The meaning of life is.... Forty-two!

30.11.04 19:29
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The name's ok... we really should swap it around so it says "xDNAx." Hmm. "Destructive Noob-fighting Army?" As for the merging, it would certainly get us a bit more active... doesn't matter much to me :/


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30.11.04 20:35
Post #2
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lol Thnikkaman.
30.11.04 22:12
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segasonic If you are going to post here, post something decent. Do not spam all the time like you jsut done. It is socially unacceptable and will make you just as disliked as Kyle. and you wouldn't like that would you?


The meaning of life is.... Forty-two!

01.12.04 18:46
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I voted Yesh, of course :D

DNA is a very good name idea imo, for a clan like WAN.

Trying to adapt the name to DNA:
Destructive, N(?) , Anti-noob.
Death to Noobs Army
Do Not Attack :)
Destructive Noob Assassinators
Dangerous Noob Assassinators
Destroyers of Noob Activity
Die, Noobish Arsehole! :)

Well, not much of ideas, though, i think, you can gather something useful from that.

Good luck. Don't forget, i'm always ready to help ;)

01.12.04 20:54
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I quite like the Destructive Noob Assasinators. But if anyone thinks otherwise. Don't keep your views to yourself. Remember this idea will effect the ENTIRE clan(s)


The meaning of life is.... Forty-two!

01.12.04 21:33
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Just because our "n00b" part is bound to confuse some people to turn against us (don't forget, most people refer to "newbies" as "n00bs" which are not synonymous.). Let's replace n00b with neanderthal (sp?) ;)


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02.12.04 00:19
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Destructive Neanderthal Assasinators?

Not bad but a bit long.

How about:

Demon Newb Assasins


02.12.04 00:54
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Soo..your trying to teach me a lesson. COOL!
02.12.04 02:32
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Quoted :: Runt

Destructive Neanderthal Assasinators?

Not bad but a bit long.

How about:

Demon Newb Assasins

Destroying Nudist Arse-holes! Fighting underaged porn....? Okay, this is going quite off-topic...


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02.12.04 02:46
Post #10
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With all the names of the clan, obviously, yes.
02.12.04 03:00
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Quoted :: Thnikkaman

Destroying Nudist Arse-holes! Fighting underaged porn....? Okay, this is going quite off-topic...

But doesn't nearly every thread go off-topic at some point?
This one certaintly has.

Anyway, back on topic! :P


02.12.04 17:37
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Quoted :: Runt

But doesn't nearly every thread go off-topic at some point?

Not at the 10th post usually :P


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02.12.04 20:47
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Someone voted "STFU Pilki!".

[EDIT] I feel like it's live discussion, lol, Thnikkaman posted while i was writing.

02.12.04 20:50
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Err...that sure wasn't me who said STFU Pilki heh heh heh...
02.12.04 23:18
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