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Poll: What Clan Name shall we have?
Destructive Noob Assasinators 0 users
Section 8 1 users
Daily Newb Assistors 0 users
Designed for Noob Armageddon (my idea) 0 users
Other not mentioned but will post 0 users
Abstain 0 votes
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Quoted :: Runt

Destructive Neanderthal Assasinators?

Not bad but a bit long.

How about:

Demon Newb Assasins

Note that the purpose of WAN was NOT to destroy newbs, nut to train them so that they are not n00bs. The n00bs we fight against are the stupid ones who ruin games deliberately


The meaning of life is.... Forty-two!

03.12.04 10:07
Post #16
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i got a once in a lifetime opportunity for ya, how about helping me to build the worlds biggest clan accross the gameing blocks (pc,xbox live, playstation online) just a thought my friend ;) o and as for the name

S8<-------Section 8 nothing related to just worms but a clan name in general think about it
03.12.04 18:06
Post #17
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Destructive Blamer Army would be nice.
03.12.04 21:47
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Quoted :: Dvious

i got a once in a lifetime opportunity for ya, how about helping me to build the worlds biggest clan accross the gameing blocks (pc,xbox live, playstation online) just a thought my friend ;) o and as for the name

S8<-------Section 8 nothing related to just worms but a clan name in general think about it

And is it going to be a wormies clan or a bit more widespread?


The meaning of life is.... Forty-two!

04.12.04 08:49
Post #19
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A bit more widespread, once i rejoin DMT ( if i rejoin dmt), ill talk to you more about that.
05.12.04 18:22
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more widespread buddy but still worm related after my purchase of worms forts undersiege on the xbox (only coz the pc dont run fast enough yet) i think this would be a very good step forward for the gaming nation and on the plus you wouldnt be alone i would help out as much as possible just so you dont end up doing all the work yourself ;)
06.12.04 18:15
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Quoted :: Dvious
the worlds biggest clan accross the gameing blocks (pc,xbox live, playstation online)

Don't forget the N-Gage Arena, folks. :)
Worms World Party comes on N-Gage. :)

And, about a merge, though we(who want) have more votes, it's almost same - 4 for and 3 against...

Daily Newbie Assistance? Or something.

Developed for Newbies to Assist?

Well, why not Destructive Noob Asassinators afterall? :)

06.12.04 23:23
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Well, the merge is going ahead. Now the poll shall be about the Clan Name. I agree that this multi-format multi-game clan would be great, but I only have a few online games available to me, all on the PC and they are, wwp, Age Of Empires and Gunman Chronicles (maybe). Dungeon Keeper 2 doesn't seem to like me when I go online and maybe other games lay hiding which I do not know about.

Poll will be about the clan name, Section 8 will be an option, but other ideas from the form of DNA etc will be present


The meaning of life is.... Forty-two!

07.12.04 13:22
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Slight problem with the poll. If you have already voted on the othert poll, you can't vote on this one.
Anyone else have that problem? or is it just me?


07.12.04 14:46
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Everyone has it, Runt.

I vote for Destructive Noob Assasinators.

Section 8 is already a name of a clan that is goinna be build by Dvious... he wasn't gonna turn DMT into it, i guess.

Designed for Noob Armageddon is nice, though it looks for me like it's designed for the time when noobs will cause an armageddon. :)

Designed for Newbie Assistance?

07.12.04 19:59
Post #25
Last edited: 07.12.04 20:07 (DeathBringer - 2 times) [Hide Sig (4)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I will start a new thread for the poll, since it is pretty much fooked here. Vote in new thread for clan name


The meaning of life is.... Forty-two!

08.12.04 13:29
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