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[B]Noob xSlayerx
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Hmm I think that you should take the admin panel away at the bottom of the page, because it can easily be accessed by simple spoofing or something like that. meh couldn't think of anything else this site needs its so cool, a lot better then most other forums I go to.

Death to all noobs!
28.10.04 22:34
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28.10.04 22:53
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what admin panel?

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
28.10.04 23:21
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he means /admin.php
on some designs, ther's a link at the bottom for it ie: not ultra compact.

28.10.04 23:25
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[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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It's not in regular compact either.
Also, HarrY, while I'm thinking about it, I still can't read the text in your sig. I don't like blocking people's sigs, but... :/
29.10.04 00:11
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Must be the design you got set cause I can read it fine Glenn.

Anywho, what admin panel? I don't see one :?


29.10.04 01:41
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Orangie Orgy
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Look waay down at the bottom of the page (in the middle)
29.10.04 01:53
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It's not there on DarkBlue at least, but I remember seeing it on other designs.
29.10.04 05:32
Post #8
[Softbrain Games] [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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That still doesn't mean people an access it tho. Whether or not the links there alot of people know where the admin panel is. Doesn't mean they can reach it..

You know I'm a dancing machine
29.10.04 11:45
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Oh yeh I see it now, only on certain pages though.
Not o the forums but I see it on the main page :)


29.10.04 16:12
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right, i just changed my design to that and, uh, my sig background is white, although you can see the intended bg slightly on either side :?

29.10.04 16:19
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