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Keep Zogbot, I don't mind.
26.10.04 21:48
Post #16
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Hehe, i guess C1 doesn't say "wang" ;)
26.10.04 22:59
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Quoted :: Squelchymcphee

it dosnt stop us! we just do it again and again, because we're not meant to. if you take it away, we will talk normally like we did before you put the stupid bot there :x

Normal of course, being the way you're talking with the bot there right now :roll:.
I don't care whether or not the bot is there. Besides, you know that it will inevitably get a ping timeout or a connection reset SOMETIME. Then you can have at it until the next time Zog comes online :P.
27.10.04 01:18
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

pfft, it keeps ruining our chat, i got kicked for saying "PC2700" because it was "all caps". what happenes if you need to say something important? you say it in caps so people notice what you're saying, and we rarely say wang that much for no reason.

An image!
27.10.04 08:33
Post #19
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Quoted :: Squelchymcphee

it dosnt stop us! we just do it again and again, because we're not meant to. if you take it away, we will talk normally like we did before you put the stupid bot there :x

yup now its done because its more fun.

And are you really reading everything zog?

I dont think it could have been such a terrible mess in there without the bot as you seem to think.

But hell im not to judge, its btp channel not mine. But have you noticed that sensible conversation in channels is minimal, whereas the rest of it is jokes, booting random people, pissing each other off and causing havock?

Thats why its fun.
27.10.04 08:35
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

Well said my man ^^
Indeed thats why its fun :D

An image!
27.10.04 08:48
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there tends to be a fair bit of conversaion about scripting in various chat clients as well.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
27.10.04 22:15
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

but scripting is boring :x especially since i dont know how :P but anyway, i guess it just gets anoying when it kicks you all the time.....

An image!
28.10.04 08:39
Post #23
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Personaly I don't give two shits about it, but it's still realy annoying getting kicked for the 50th time after "breaking" your caps key. :|
28.10.04 15:20
Post #24
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I don't really see why people are still complaining seeing as I removed the kicking days ago :roll:

You know I'm a dancing machine
28.10.04 15:42
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Holidays tomorrow, back here and on WN.
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Rofl, the money saving count is nice too, erm maybe they want to be kicked. :lol:


Artwork by the wishmaster.

28.10.04 19:08
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