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Quoted :: Falkra

Ok, It's the exact same style, he also likes to create accounts called "cow",it's the same profile style and way of talking/posting...
Ipchecks can be easily circumvented...
Anyway, this is quite boring, time will do the job. And i don't want to take action, (quote) i can't and that is not something i have to do/can do/want to do. You are right tho, apologies to you (and only to you Glenn).

huh? I have the name cowz because my name on wormnet is lTdClCowz, I found this site when someone told me about wwpipe on wwp, but meh, I just decided to sign up.
24.10.04 20:07
Post #16
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what did I say about discussing double accounts?

You know I'm a dancing machine
24.10.04 20:10
Post #17
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:O ZoG's rules have already been broken. :|
Personaly I coulden't care less about kyle anymore.
24.10.04 21:03
Post #18
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