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Yeah, I need to know how I can pack 3mb into maybe a 700kb or less zip file, does anybody know a good program that Packs files together to make the zip file smaller? 8O

24.10.04 01:19
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I don't think it's possible to compress a file more than 30%, let alone 76.6666(ad infinitum)%.
24.10.04 02:58
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Try using winrar instead of winzip. AFAIS, Rar gives a lot better compression rate than a zip does.

24.10.04 08:02
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Yup, .rar has better compression than .zip

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24.10.04 08:32
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

and, you can make the compression into a self extraction .exe which could be useful :mrgreen:

An image!
24.10.04 09:05
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I havent seen much of a dramatic difference in zip compression.. But I do know Rar has some useful compatability extensions (if i said that right) like .lz or something.
Foreign (different languaged) sites use them extensionz0rz
24.10.04 09:12
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At least i have chicken!
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Quoted :: Pioneer322

quote removed.

What are we going to do with that child?


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

24.10.04 09:52
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7-zip has the highest compression ratio, aparrently.

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24.10.04 10:05
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interesting, i'll have to check that out ;)

24.10.04 10:50
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Quoted :: The Pope

Yup, .rar has better compression than .zip

Yeah, but how many people use WinRAR?
24.10.04 11:14
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7-zip is the best one, but it is really slow, and not supported by the common (un)packers. The UHA algorithm (known to be used to compress ripped games) is also very efficient, its ratio is incredible, but it is very slow too, even to unpack.

I use winrar for all my common tasks, it had a full Zip support, and it can unace as well.


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24.10.04 11:37
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7-zip does have self extraction, tho...

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24.10.04 12:32
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so does winrar.
It depends on what kind of file your zipping up, text compresses best, video and mp3 is worst (i think)
24.10.04 13:00
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my point was that it doesn't have to be upported in other programs for it to be usable by anyone... And yeh, formats that are already compressed will likely be least compressable...

You know I'm a dancing machine
24.10.04 13:03
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What the, what happend to my account?
24.10.04 15:23
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