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Poll: How should we do this poker thingie?
Poker with real BTP money 2 users
Tournaments 2 users
They are fine as they are 5 users
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Yeah, it's really unfair when someone wins week after week..Even though it's luck. I doubt the lotto company would allow someone to win 2-3 times in a row in a lottery. :P
24.10.04 15:18
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lotto should worik like lotto ealy does, that way we will get over draws and the jackpot will seamlessly increase!

24.10.04 15:42
Post #17
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: C1

I doubt the lotto company would allow someone to win 2-3 times in a row in a lottery. :P

of course they would, you pay your pound (at least in britain), you take your chance. There's not much point in playing after you've won anyway, and the chances of winning twice are so low it doesn't even matter, but there would be no point in playing at-all after winning in that case ;)

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24.10.04 17:33
Post #18
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yeah, but here the chances are greater of winning and the prizes are smaller,and there is a point to getting lotto after winning lotto here....

25.10.04 16:11
Post #19
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Well, after winning about $2 000 000 in real life, there's really no point going into a lotto again just to waste money... in BTP, it's different.
25.10.04 19:38
Post #20
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You shouldn't actually win the money you get from poker. It's actually easier to gain money than lose it on poker, so long as you vaguely know how to play.

I don't mind if you want the highest scorer on poker to win money each week. Not at all!:P

11.11.04 22:24
Post #21
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