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I think there's a glitch with the "Worm in Trouble" game...

I'll be doing fine, and all of a sudden, it speeds up for no reason, killing me. I know it's not lag...there's no way it can be...any explanation? I mean, it's no big deal, just trying to get a good score, but it messes up, and kills me...makes no sense. Makes playing the game totally pointless.
23.10.04 05:04
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what speed is your processor? And were you pressing the J key when it sped up? (:P)

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23.10.04 08:59
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Quoted :: ZoGgEr!

And were you pressing the J key when it sped up? (:P)

rofl that would explain it :P

23.10.04 09:49
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[]HarrY$1wodners if []IbeatYOUglenn is glennismyhero ;)
i mean, glennismyhero's last place was /snake.php ....

23.10.04 14:29
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Erm, the game is very popular, but you can't score twice on the board, only your best score is kept, and Glenn is damn good at this.


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23.10.04 16:03
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I dont understand how Glenn can be "good" at this game. No one is "good". It's such a basic game. I got 166k, and for some reason, it started to speed up, totally destroying me. Or, i'd be close to the edge, and BOOOOM it speeds up for no reason (no I wasn't pressing the J key, I barely even use it). Its just unfair that I'll get like, 100k without dying once, and then all of a sudden, stupid stuff starts happening and i die for no reason. The speed up thing is getting raaaather annoying....

Btw: I'm Glennismyhero's bro, and my connection and computer are
23.10.04 16:40
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Well, there's only three basic *tricks* to winning in Worm in Trouble:
1) Get your tail really long and then get a run of crates.
2) Use mines to cut you tail when it gets *too* long.
3) Always take a long approach to crates that sit on the boundary.

And yeah, I knew he was GlennIsMyHero's brother, since I sit next to GIMH in programming class (the big clue is that GIMH posts from the school (which matches one of my IPs), and IBYG uses it from home). They're both intent in beating my score :oops:.
23.10.04 16:51
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i think that it would be easier if you have a realy, realy, slow pc to play this, because everything will play slower, so it'll be easier :)

23.10.04 17:54
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Quoted :: IbeatYOUglenn

I dont understand how Glenn can be "good" at this game. No one is "good".

I said that according to the nice scores Glenn made in WIT.


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23.10.04 18:11
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Quoted :: IbeatYOUglenn

I dont understand how Glenn can be "good" at this game. No one is "good". It's such a basic game. I got 166k, and for some reason, it started to speed up, totally destroying me. Or, i'd be close to the edge, and BOOOOM it speeds up for no reason (no I wasn't pressing the J key, I barely even use it). Its just unfair that I'll get like, 100k without dying once, and then all of a sudden, stupid stuff starts happening and i die for no reason. The speed up thing is getting raaaather annoying....

Btw: I'm Glennismyhero's bro, and my connection and computer are

Yeah mine speeds up quickly like that too, and sometimes stops then speeds up. It's lagging for no reason at all. And i have NO almost no spyware.
23.10.04 20:11
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almost no spyware?
i have spyware and i don't get this problem ;)

24.10.04 13:29
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Yeah, I'm saying, that's NOT the problem. When I mean almost none. I mean a few data miner cookies and that's about it. And maybe stuff that doesn't come up with my spyware deleter.

I told zog about this problem when the game first came out. I blame java.
24.10.04 15:23
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I think that "IbeatYOUglenn" is a stupid nickname, is that nick just meant to play the WIT game?
25.10.04 14:01
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Like I said, IBYG just joined to beat my score in WIT. But, that's somewhat pointless now, since GIMH already beat me.
26.10.04 02:27
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It must be nice being a hero for someone :lol:
26.10.04 02:29
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