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i fail to see how being a clan leader for several years actually proves matureity, it suggests immatureity because he is stll playing worms.

27.10.04 18:24
Post #61
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Well i find it so very hard to stay in clans, because im a kid and i want to be in the best of the best, thankfully im growing out of this, but C1 was young when he started contra, and its still going.
27.10.04 18:27
Post #62
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contra is the best though ;)

27.10.04 18:28
Post #63
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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We finally both agree on something then.
27.10.04 18:29
Post #64
Last edited: 27.10.04 18:30 (VisioN - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
Orangie Orgy
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Second. Contra was/still a great clan to be in. We might need some new active members tho...
Heh, I remember the time/map I was brought to with a bunch of other people and the situation. C1 asked me if I wanted to join his clan, I accepted. 1 year later, I'm still in it :)

edit: seconded from harrehs post :S

edit2006: Nevermind, Contra clan was the shityest clan ever. C1 is the most immature person known to canada.
27.10.04 18:30
Post #65
Last edited: 15.06.06 07:04 (Pioneer322 - 2 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: HarrY

i fail to see how being a clan leader for several years actually proves matureity, it suggests immatureity because he is stll playing worms.

Actually playing worms is more mature than playing Doom 3 or something.
27.10.04 19:52
Post #66
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True, it was made to be a thinking game.
27.10.04 20:40
Post #67
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Quoted :: HarrY

i fail to see how being a clan leader for several years actually proves matureity, it suggests immatureity because he is stll playing worms.

Because I'm not immature and quit leading the clan and make a crappy site..

Quoted :: Pioneer322

Second. Contra was/still a great clan to be in. We might need some new active members tho...
Heh, I remember the time/map I was brought to with a bunch of other people and the situation. C1 asked me if I wanted to join his clan, I accepted. 1 year later, I'm still in it :)

edit: seconded from harrehs post :S

And you're still one of my best members yet :) Yeah, I agree Pioneer. Worms is getting a tad inactive itself (for good players) and it's hard these days to recruit. Anyone that's good and worms post about joining here, and we'll give you a tryout.
27.10.04 21:46
Post #68
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At least i have chicken!
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Speeking of clans does anyone have a good WWP cla i can join?


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

27.10.04 21:57
Post #69
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this thread is off topic and the original topic wasnt one we should be going back to anyway


Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
28.10.04 13:25
Post #70
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