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Quoted :: madknifa

random: powersupply's make good foot heaters

So true. I always do that :) I think Knifa should stay. People change. I was, how to put it, different when I first came here. So he's a little overzealous. (Which, I might add, can be good) So he gets angered more easily than most. So what? Nobody's perfect :P PARTICULARLY not me.


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
18.10.04 19:53
Post #31
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Madknifa is cool he got my account activated :D :D :D
19.10.04 00:28
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not that it can be very active, what with your incredibly low rating.

24.10.04 10:51
Post #33
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I rated him up two, because he hsnt annoyed me half as much as the people bitching about him have.
24.10.04 15:31
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madknifa is a really good admin, its hard to beileve that he is only 12, he is 12 yet he has the maturity of a 15 year old, I wonder how he got admin in the first place hmm

24.10.04 16:13
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well, he isn't that mature atall, his age doesn't concern me atall and he became an admin after making BTA.

24.10.04 16:15
Post #36
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Holidays tomorrow, back here and on WN.
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Knifa is admin, did/does a lot of work here. As long as he's efficient, and he prove he was, he could be 6, i wouldn't care more. Case closed.


Artwork by the wishmaster.

24.10.04 16:18
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

again, well put Falkra, and if you actually talk to Knifeh in the chat room, or play worms, you can tell he is really young and/or immature. But he's still cool, and i dont care ^^

An image!
24.10.04 18:21
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yes, if you knew him, you'd know that he isn't as mature as a 15 year old :P (no offence, knifa)

24.10.04 18:50
Post #39
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Personaly, I think knifa does the most for BTP since he has been admined. Keep it up. (and he's teh only person to ever talk to me on msn anymore.) :P
24.10.04 20:59
Post #40
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Quoted :: Squelchymcphee

again, well put Falkra, and if you actually talk to Knifeh in the chat room, or play worms, you can tell he is really young and/or immature. But he's still cool, and i dont care ^^

That's why I don't visit the chat...

EDIT: Added the quote for stupid people.
25.10.04 07:55
Post #41
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you don't go to the chat because only knifa talks to fuzz on msn?
er, okay....

25.10.04 11:01
Post #42
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thankies everyone XD
i blame spaz for my immaturity.
25.10.04 11:30
Post #43
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i blame the fact that your 12,

if you were mature, it wouldnt actually be right. :/

12 year olds should be immature!
25.10.04 12:29
Post #44
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What age, would you say you grow out of being immature?
25.10.04 12:41
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