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What do you all think of names padded out with the letter x? Just curious.


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
15.10.04 03:24
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[Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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l0l I think too many people use the letter x in the name if you ask me.

Whether you kill or get killed, it's just another way to kill time.


15.10.04 03:58
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Using X in the name is just n00bish. (There are a few exceptions.)
15.10.04 05:31
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Its pointless, and it doesnt look good at all...


An image!

15.10.04 06:22
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Just like the "x", people use the "l" it looks better me thinks. I sometimes use llvisionll
15.10.04 06:42
Post #5
Last edited: 15.10.04 06:43 (VisioN - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
Holidays tomorrow, back here and on WN.
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X addiction... like said Docta_Shade, it doesn't look good. It's just like clan tags in user names. Those are understandable when playing in wormnet, where it is the only way to show which clan(s) you are in, if they are.
In btp, the clan fields in profile are enough, and clan tags are not needed in the name. Same thing for "ornamental" X | or / or any special chars.
People can use caps in their name, like VisioN, this isn't bad, and it's much more readable.


Artwork by the wishmaster.

15.10.04 07:53
Post #6
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Its bloody annoying, over at another forum, they delete any accounts with such things or random numbers.


both pointless :roll:
15.10.04 08:07
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my main quibble with it is that you can't find people's names because you have to sit there working out the number of Xs there are round it... lol.

You know I'm a dancing machine
15.10.04 12:35
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I've put the Xs in not because i'm a freakin moron trying to look leet, but because the names i mostly use, in the worms community are taken by well known and respected people, didn't want to cause confusion. If you think this is n00bish, bad for you.

Besides, whoever you ask about XxSpIDerxX will point at me, unless he never heard that nick at all. Even if i'd want to change it, i no longer can
15.10.04 14:22
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They removed any names from Cl2K if they had "x" or numbers, as it was becoming very annoying when it came to reporting games you had won.

Edit: Im Vision on WN, not VisioN
15.10.04 14:31
Post #10
Last edited: 15.10.04 14:32 (VisioN - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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i would have thought if you needed Xx on the end and start of your name, you didnt choose a good name to begin with.

And why 2 X's? was just the one not enough? or was Xx taken too?
15.10.04 14:37
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I thought XxSpIDerxX would sound better than XxSpIDer or Spiderx(usual account in many services) I don't think the name XxSpIDerxX bugs(pun intended) anyone so much that they want it changed...

I post on the forums once in a century now anyway
15.10.04 14:47
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I've seen people with like 4 x's


15.10.04 16:52
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for me, the "xX"s give me a bad inmpression, realy. and most of the "xX" people don't even come here that often :/

15.10.04 17:06
Post #14
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yeah all saying this But everyone uses X's in their clan tags.
15.10.04 17:08
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