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Quoted :: psymon
What type of pie was it?

I got an apple pie :P.

Quoted :: ReadMe
although i dont get what the for-sale sign is about.

I guess it doesn't make much sense unless you live in the US...

Anyway, now for an offtopic story:

Ladies and gentlemen, hobos and tramps.
Pigs and hogs and bow-legged ants.
Pull up a chair and sit on the floor.
I'm here to tell you a story I've never heard before.

One fine day in the middle of the night.
Two dead boys got up to fight.
Back to back they faced each other.
They took out their swords and shot each other.
A deaf policeman heard the noise
And came to kill those two dead boys.

And if you don't believe my story's truth
Ask the blindman, he saw it too.
05.10.04 23:32
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lol n1 :D

06.10.04 05:36
Post #17
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Wow... if they put that in a Dr. Seuss book or something, we'd have some weird, twisted kids brought up.


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
06.10.04 11:54
Post #18
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My uncle made that one up, and it's amazingly spread throughout the US :).
06.10.04 13:21
Post #19
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Quoted :: Glenn

My uncle made that one up, and it's amazingly spread throughout the US :).

lol really?

hey well done Glenn, only 33 posts until you have 2000! :)

06.10.04 13:31
Post #20
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This thread needs renaming.
you cant be off-topic if the topic is being off topic :x
09.10.04 10:44
Post #21
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[G]the candy man
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Quoted :: Glenn

My uncle made that one up, and it's amazingly spread throughout the US :).

im dont think he did.
i must have heard that before and i live in the UK
09.10.04 10:49
Post #22
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yeh, I read that one in a book when I was about 6... always stuck in my mind, even the picture below it. Two skeletons with swords / guns [okay so my memory isn't quite that good, but I tihnk there were two skeletons]

You know I'm a dancing machine
09.10.04 11:32
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Hey now Meiapaul...this thread is fine...its just for talking about random stuff...hence the name "A random Offtopic thread"

...btw it was the first one up when there was nothing here after the haking
09.10.04 15:40
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Some kernals of wisdom from the George Bush camp (can't remember who said what, but oh well).

"Pollution is not the problem. It's impurities in the air and water that's the problem."

"It's time for the human race to enter the solar system."

"Homes are nice. Everyone has a home. I have a home."

There were some other ones, but those are the ones I can remember right now. Doesn't the stupidity in the statements scare you :roll:.
09.10.04 23:30
Post #25
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Bushisms eh... well I have the poster on my wall. lol.

"for nasa, space is still a high priority"

"if we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure"

"The future will be better tomorrow"

"I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family"

"I'm a follower of american politics"

and many more...

You know I'm a dancing machine
10.10.04 00:46
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