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Flamethrower/machine gun/hedge trimmer all in one!

Nice work, shading is very decent. Especially on the barrel of the minigun.

Learn to look, look to learn.
14.09.04 17:12
Post #31
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Nice, only thing is the way he's holding it, a handle would work better.
14.09.04 17:14
Post #32
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yeah, verynice minigun there, wish:)

14.09.04 17:28
Post #33
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
[G]the candy man
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Quoted :: Thnikkaman

An image!

Dude that totally R0XX0R. I love the hair and eyebrows.
The only critical thing is that the lolly pop looks more like a paint brush :p

Thanks alot 8)
14.09.04 19:35
Post #34
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Or is it actually a paintbrush? The truth is out there... And it is time for you to know the truth, Mr Anderson....


The meaning of life is.... Forty-two!

14.09.04 19:36
Post #35
[Free Motorola RAZR V3!] [Hide Sig (11)] [Profile] [Quote]
[G]the candy man
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no it is a lolly pop, he said in his post.
It would help if you read it :D
14.09.04 19:54
Post #36
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Whatever you want it to look like, I guess. Sorry about how long it's taking to make your avy sized one TCM, I'll try to have one later... and very nice there Wish, good to see you making worms again :D


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
14.09.04 19:55
Post #37
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[G]the candy man
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yeah Thinkk thats cool with me, i dont mind the wait...if its worth it :p

yeah looks rather cool wish. you havnt made one in a while.

14.09.04 20:03
Post #38
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YOu guys just totally passed my offer up damn minigunwielder...having to post right after me
14.09.04 20:19
Post #39
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Hey Megalomaniac
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I will, I just want to know what you want...


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
14.09.04 20:19
Post #40
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[G]the candy man
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I want him to have his Candy stick as a shotgun :) and if you can squeeze another one of those gob stoppers in aswell, but make it a holy gob stopper :D
14.09.04 20:33
Post #41
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