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can you elaborate?
08.09.04 18:10
Post #16
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Yeah... maybe he's talking about a spider-worm (and not a Spider-MAN worm)?

EDIT: View it as Traxada or a Matrix worm. Whatever you prefer... An image!
Speaking of which... which style do you prefer? My old Vasquez style or the newer one (^)? I'm trying to figure out what style I'm gonna use for the winner of my auction.


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
08.09.04 21:09
Post #17
Last edited: 09.09.04 00:06 (Thnikkaman - 2 times) [DA Gallery] [Hide Sig (3)] [Profile] [Quote]
[G]the candy man
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they are both very cool.
Try a wolverine worm (like of xmen)
09.09.04 14:47
Post #18
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Very well.
An image!


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09.09.04 21:58
Post #19
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What the hell....the gums on the Matrix worm just look dumb. It just looks like bubble gum shoved through his teeth.
09.09.04 22:46
Post #20
Last edited: 09.09.04 22:46 (joetheeskimo5 - 1 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
Hey Megalomaniac
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Yeah, uh, who gives a damn? I just added them on there because... well, just because...


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
09.09.04 23:26
Post #21
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the gums look prett good, i like it. But thats cos there is loads of gnashing teeth.

but you know i have a soft spot for them. ;)
10.09.04 08:05
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i aggree with joe.

10.09.04 15:26
Post #23
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[G]the candy man
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god that wolverine kicks ass.
The only thing is that the right (our right) little eye mask looks kindof rong?
i dunno

anyway i think you should do some more characters

10.09.04 17:07
Post #24
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Acrap spelr
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Quoted :: Thnikkaman

Yeah... maybe he's talking about a spider-worm (and not a Spider-MAN worm)?

EDIT: View it as Traxada or a Matrix worm. Whatever you prefer... An image!
guess who won:):);)
well i like both of those styles bcuz there the same yet soooo diffrent
Speaking of which... which style do you prefer? My old Vasquez style or the newer one (^)? I'm trying to figure out what style I'm gonna use for the winner of my auction.

well both are equally kewl so comnbine those styles

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12.09.04 19:49
Post #25
Last edited: 12.09.04 19:51 (minigunweilder - 1 times) [Hide Sig (3)] [Profile] [Quote]
Hey Megalomaniac
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Got back from a weekend of some stuff (it's why I wasn't here.). It doesn't really matter anymore. I now see the error in my gumming ways ;) And minigunwielder, Candy Man won that one :) I owe him a sigworm, so I'm off to Flash. Later.

EDIT(2): Done with his big sized one. An image!
He's either gonna stab you with a sharp lollipop (happened to me before. My aching tongue...) or choke you with one of those huge gumballs. Or just poke you around with his candy cane ;)


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
12.09.04 21:04
Post #26
Last edited: 12.09.04 23:54 (Thnikkaman - 2 times) [DA Gallery] [Hide Sig (3)] [Profile] [Quote]
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those eyes and the hair are great!
13.09.04 14:50
Post #27
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Thnikk you said post bout it in the art thread...Here it is...I want one av sized and another a little bigger...btw, 50 to 100 pounds goes out to whomever makes me one...Plz be kind and get me one, because i suck.:D
14.09.04 00:54
Post #28
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Acrap spelr
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can you make me one thats based off of my sig
ill give you 72.70pounds all i have

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14.09.04 01:16
Post #29
Last edited: 14.09.04 01:19 (minigunweilder - 3 times) [Hide Sig (3)] [Profile] [Quote]
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This is vaguely based on your sig.

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14.09.04 17:10
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