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Poll: Would you approve of a complete money overhaul?
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Yeh, I agree with Wish, any idiot can post a few posts a day. About these... "jobs"... different stuff.

Artist- Customers ask for sigworms, nameplates, or animations, whatever. The more specific, the higher the price. Perhaps requests between artists could be some sort of discount?

Tweaker- Stupid name, yes. Anyways, the people in this category could make special shiny stuff for you (different torso colors, shiny rating bars, custom flags, etc.) at some sort of price. This would be different than the edit profile, since a person is doing what YOU want to do.

Admins, of course, could get everything for a discount, if not for free. Of course, they'd be behind the whole thing so yeh. Good idea? Huh?


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
25.08.04 00:38
Post #16
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coloured torso will be added 2moro at a charge or at least £10 per day but probably more. might be a lump sum of about £500 to change, not decided yet...

have a play, accepts only 6 digit html RGB hex code without leading #

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
25.08.04 00:38
Post #17
Last edited: 25.08.04 00:39 (ReadMe - 1 times) [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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The origonal torsos as you climb up the posting ranks will still be there, correct?
25.08.04 01:02
Post #18
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yes you will pay to chaneg your torso from green or higher to a certain number of colours, the colours avaialble will be set by admins although users will be able to suggest new ones to add to the list.

This will stop people using admin torsos etc.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
25.08.04 01:22
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Okay, good, because I don't know what the big deal is with wanting different color torsos :roll:. I like my plain blue one just fine (and the plain plus that will be added to it in the next month or so doesn't bother me either).
25.08.04 02:24
Post #20
Last edited: 25.08.04 02:28 (Glenn - 1 times) [Youtube] [Hide Sig (12)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Heh, is it strange to be annoyed by bold/italic names so much that you write your own css to turn it off? If it is, then I'm strange. :)
25.08.04 08:10
Post #21
Last edited: 25.08.04 08:14 (tundraH - 2 times) [] [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Well well well, it's true that the pixville1 project is nearly dead, rest in peace then. I like pixville2. I really hope people will finish their houses, I see a lot of squares with the work in progress pic, and they just never finish working on it, grr. Inactive lots should be sold, or more new lots could be added, pixville2 could be one of the new rusk cities/kindoms/nations.
I just noticed the new names features, cool thing, but yes, it is a bit expensive subscription. Don't add some noob feature like making animated text with letters going caps and no caps, or flashing things, italics and bold are good, not eye-agressive.
The auction system is very nice, I think it can make artists hell rich, but well, only good artists, eh, so it's deserved. It can also provide some damn good avatars/nameplates to people who want some and can't draw well (like me). So nice feature again, and I hope people will use it nicely.
I didn't manage to make a new auction tough, the page loaded blank. BTW, why not assigning a special torso (pink, huh) to all BTP artists, and a golden torso for the latest lottery winner ?

@Wish : you are in credits in my presig. ;)

One of my longest posts (2p a word ?). :mrgreen:


Artwork by the wishmaster.

25.08.04 08:59
Post #22
Last edited: 25.08.04 09:23 (Falkra - 1 times) [My maps] [Hide Sig (4)] [Profile] [Quote]
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the auction is a good idear, but not when you start makeing auctions for things like choclate cake or pie...just silly really...

i asked zogger if me and starworms could have a orange tourso because we both have red hair :) nothing became of it tho...
25.08.04 11:56
Post #23
Last edited: 25.08.04 11:57 (VisioN - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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The feature is good, the use people make of it may not be as good as the feature itself...


Artwork by the wishmaster.

25.08.04 11:57
Post #24
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thats what i just said but in a different way
25.08.04 12:02
Post #25
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i had a dream that you could choose what colour you want your torso to be by entering some html codeing.

25.08.04 12:39
Post #26
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That's a nice idea.
I also think that the daily cost for the bold and italic text and the coloured torsos should not be paid the days when you don't log in. Maybe it doesn't?
25.08.04 14:03
Post #27
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people still see your posts on days you're not logged in...

You know I'm a dancing machine
25.08.04 14:06
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But do we pay daily costs those days we don't log in?
25.08.04 14:10
Post #29
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I think so, because your torso is still visible, with your posts stuff and so on.


Artwork by the wishmaster.

25.08.04 14:10
Post #30
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