
BTForum » Wormy Discussion » Worms 3D Discussion » Gamespy ID

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Everyone Can we all get on this site anymore?:roll:
11.08.04 00:51
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Um... what are you on about. If you're talking about the Gamespy ID for W3D, then this is in the wrong forum. Otherwise... I hate to admit it, but I'm totally lost.
11.08.04 15:44
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I think he is asking "Is gamespy working ATM?" and the answer is, I dunno. I try not to go near to Gamespy, only to get some mods for halflife ans stuff.

11.08.04 18:46
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That would be the gamespy ID, where ID = I Dunno, lol.


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11.08.04 18:48
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Worms 3D what we are talking about.
17.08.04 01:20
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this person speaks about as much sense as those spam emails with random words in them. :roll: And yet he appears to be American.

But yeh, this should be in W3D, even if no-one can understand what's going on.

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17.08.04 08:35
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