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[]Unvalidated EmailBenServ
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anyway, im joining the army this Thursday and i just came to say goodbye to the pixel blaming army (hehe zog..) umm ok c ya..
03.08.04 13:10
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toodles ben.

(weren't you meant to join the army a year or two ago)?

You know I'm a dancing machine
03.08.04 13:13
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How many years do you plan do be in it?

03.08.04 13:44
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Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen... We'll miss you.
(BTW, was it just me, or did anyone else's jaw drop when they saw that Ben had posted?)
03.08.04 17:02
Post #4
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It wasn't just you.
Anyhow, hf. Don't get slapped to much.
Buh bye.
03.08.04 17:06
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bye to you sir...will they let you in the army with your crazy haircut? 8)
03.08.04 17:15
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heh, it's not really his choice. Israel = conscription. I tried to look up how long it lasts but I couldn't find it...

edit: although he may well want to be in the army, I don't know...

You know I'm a dancing machine
03.08.04 17:17
Post #7
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Good luck Ben!
03.08.04 18:24
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heh have fun with the guns ben!
03.08.04 18:32
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hav fun getting shot at!:P
WHY TEH HECK ARE YOU GOING 2 B 1 of george bushes pawns

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03.08.04 20:39
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good luck Mr Serv


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
03.08.04 21:23
Post #11
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Quoted :: minigunweilder

hav fun getting shot at!:P
WHY TEH HECK ARE YOU GOING 2 B 1 of george bushes pawns

read the whole thread, its not that long.
03.08.04 21:26
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whatever u do dont talk back to ur commanding officer...anywayz hf Ben :)
04.08.04 00:25
Post #13
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Wow. Good luck. Who will do the comics while you're gone?? :cry:

We all hope to see you back here someday :)
04.08.04 00:26
Post #14
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He hasn't done his comics in forever. He only has 1 episode left or so, and he hasnt' done it. And never will :(
04.08.04 01:49
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