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It's a new bug i think, wehn i am on btp, somttimes it auto-log-out so i have to log in again !


24.07.04 13:13
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It's not a bug. It's probably your cache filling up and then deleting itself.
24.07.04 16:48
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No, it is a bug. It always happens to me when i visit the league page, Caption comp, and it randomly logs me out while browsing anything 'cept the forums. I thought it was the prob of 7.52 Opera, tho
24.07.04 18:49
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When you say log out, do you mean one page you're logged in, the next you're not. Or it actually tells you you've logged out for a particular reason.

Spider, if it's the first, then try disabling caching (tools->preferences->history and cache->check documents(dropdown)->always)

I don't think it could possibly be the first one, and be a bug with btp. There's nothing to delete your cookie without telling you.

If it's the second one it's a prob in the code, but anything other than that is probably not...

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24.07.04 19:16
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Well, on the league page, it might log you out because it's instead of
24.07.04 21:51
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I get logged out randomly while browsing any btp page other than the forums. It doesn't happen very often, tho. However, it never sees me as logged in on the league page, even though i am on all the other parts of BtP. Below is an example:

Also, can you fix your sig, Zog? It keeps haunting my mouse cursor when i move it over your post:
(the cursor is not visible on the screenshot)
25.07.04 14:23
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Problem 1: Due to the league page not having "www." at the beginning of the address.

Problem 2: Never happens to me, so I guess zog just has to fix his sig =/
25.07.04 17:15
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1: actually I don't think it has anything to do with the www, you just have to log in seperately for the league using the log in box. As it says somewhere on the league page...

2: I don't know what you mean, seeing as the cursor isn't in the screenshot. I've never had any probs with it. It's probably a bug in opera.

Spider, My question about logging you out wasn't rhetorical :P.
Does it tell you that's it's just logged you out, or are you logged in one page then not logged in the next?

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25.07.04 17:30
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Quoted :: ZoGgEr!

Spider, My question about logging you out wasn't rhetorical :P.

Does it tell you that's it's just logged you out, or are you logged in one page then not logged in the next?

It's the second one.
26.07.04 10:33
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did you try the caching thing I mentioned in that other post?

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26.07.04 11:07
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Yes. But the bug occurs so rarely that i can't tell did it work:p
26.07.04 11:45
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i used to get the login and out thing alot, it was because my browsers cache had filled up and instead of updating old webpages in the cache it just showed me the olds ones, try emptying your cache, and get firefox!

PS i dont not use firefox
27.07.04 21:15
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Quoted :: DreamEater

PS i dont not use firefox

argh double negative


which is it? heh

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28.07.04 10:47
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the problem is that cookies, which are used to control logins, are valid only for a specific domain and btp is available on a few


Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
28.07.04 16:45
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*unhides Zog's sig*
Works fine. I'm using Opera.
*hides Zog's sig because it's annoying*

Login control cookies are only for one address. If you want to fix the problem, first login normally, then go to and login there, and do the same thing to all sites you could possibly think of.
07.08.04 08:26
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