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Quoted :: DJ Canada

Thanks []RunT for the thead. I was wondering about the best way to center stuff myself. I have not done HTML in YEARS.

thats cool, ive always wondered and now i no, thanx guys for ur help


24.07.04 18:34
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I think you can only tradmark company names like WWP or Apple Computers. I don't think you can actually trademark your own name because what if someone else was called that? You couldn't sue them for copying you could you?
24.07.04 19:18
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Yes, I think trying to claim your own name is trademark of you would be pretty stupid. If anything it's trademark of your parents. lol.

I think BlameThePixelTM is perfectly valid tho :)

You know I'm a dancing machine
24.07.04 19:20
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how strangly powerful...
25.07.04 08:48
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KnifaIndustries™ is perfect, mwahahaha..
25.07.04 12:23
Post #20
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lol, i believe my name is probs TM already through the film.
26.07.04 00:01
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Fuzzball. Hmm.. trademark material.
28.07.04 10:59
Post #22
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i here the name Vision mentioed everyday on radio and tv, etc..
so i cant realy trademark is as it will proberely allready be trademarked.
28.07.04 11:38
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There's a Vision network on tv.
28.07.04 19:46
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I bet the name "Ronald Mcdonald" is Trade marked.


An image!

29.07.04 16:04
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Most likely


29.07.04 18:23
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