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Sounds like a good idea.
23.07.04 21:36
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[G]dj canada
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Quoted :: Falkra

By the way, I've re-read the sticky "rating" thread (the beginning). Low ratings lock forum posting's speed and ability. Good thing, but what about preventing users with low rating from posting page comments too ? Most spamming comes from new members who comment, comment and recomment pages pointlessly, no ?

True, I got my rating droped from the begining becuase of the comments page. I didn't spam per say, I just complained about my rating alot. But poeple like xdmtxsonic... check out his spammage in "ask the pixel"... thats something we can do without.

Quoted :: Falkra

Definitely, C1, if people know who rates them, there will be some kind of rating war, which would be... unproductive.

Not necessarily. As I said to begin with, users will also have the option to leave their name. So if your rating is raised and you wish to thank them, then whatever. And if thier rating is drop and you know you've warned them on many occasions... then... leave your name if you wish I also think poeple with say the 4 rating should not be alowed to rate others, period.

Quoted :: C1

Nooooo. Not by how much. That's a bad idea. Then they know who rated them. ....

Yes, it's a bad idea to know by HOW much, not only for the reason of if it was droped/raised by 1, 2, or 3 points... but for a few other reasons... it would just complex things.
24.07.04 04:06
Post #32
Last edited: 24.07.04 04:17 (DJ Canada - 4 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: DJ Canada
I also think poeple with say the 4 rating should not be alowed to rate others, period.

I agree. They may rate down the people they think rated them down, which you shouldn't do.
24.07.04 09:12
Post #33
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Well I won't quote more than it has been done.

@Dj Canada, ok the ability to let name (or not) of the rater is pretty good idea, I like it.

Looks like we are going to have a rating v2.0 system. I'd like to see comment pages and the suggestion box spam-free. Hoping our ideas will help.


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24.07.04 17:25
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The suggestions will help, but there's no such thing as spam free. That's an enigma in this age of computers.
24.07.04 17:48
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Quoted :: DJ Canada

Quoted :: Falkra

Definitely, C1, if people know who rates them, there will be some kind of rating war, which would be... unproductive.

Yes, but sum1 said, that it should say, how much your rated down by. And if your the only person online, that can rate people down by two, it would be kind of suspicious. Which, could cause fights.
24.07.04 21:55
Post #36
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Quoted :: C1
And if your the only person online, that can rate people down by two, it would be kind of suspicious. Which, could cause fights.

Or it could result in the person who rated the other person down getting rated down himself.
25.07.04 08:25
Post #37
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[G]dj canada
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Quoted :: Dingbats

Quoted :: C1
And if your the only person online, that can rate people down by two, it would be kind of suspicious. Which, could cause fights.

Or it could result in the person who rated the other person down getting rated down himself.

which circles around to one of my other sugestions that all ratings should be issued out by the admins and selected others (or atleast be approved by an admin or selected members, kind of like how a BILL is passed)

but we are beyoned that I suppose....
27.07.04 05:44
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I think you should be able to view the reasons why someone has rated you up or down. That way if a person keeps getting rated down for the same reason then they can do something about it.

27.07.04 17:27
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it comes in a pm... I'm sure if people want to know the reason's they can keep it ;). It does save the reasons in a column though, but it's an exact copy of the pm, so it's not the most practical thing...

I dunno if you noticed the new changes.. heh

btw [person whose name I won't mention], just checking all of the bad boxes is perhaps not too helpful, although now I think about it they might all be true...

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27.07.04 17:43
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Looks like it works out pretty well Zog. Thank you :D.
27.07.04 17:52
Post #41
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Ho, yes, this is very good, and gives lots of options. Nice page ! :D

edit : i hadn't noticed there was a user's rating history, nice feature too. Thx Zog.


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27.07.04 19:44
Post #42
Last edited: 27.07.04 19:52 (Falkra - 2 times) [My maps] [Hide Sig (4)] [Profile] [Quote]
[G]dj canada
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I myself had not notice the change... I personly don't rate, unless for good reason. So it is rare for me. But I recently got an +1 rating AND a PM at the same time, so it must be working. Thank you for the addition Zog! It will help many of the newer members understand. And if any changes need to be done I hope it is posted in this thead.
28.07.04 03:57
Post #43
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Following may look off topic but isn't really :

I saw the updated profile page, with last 5 posts of user, and I was thinking it could be good to see user's last page comments (3 would be enough maybe), so we could see even faster spammy users, and rate them consequently.

Btw zog, ready to include the word association count in profile page like i suggested one day ? ;)


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28.07.04 16:30
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done & done, but this belongs in the other thread.

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28.07.04 16:46
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