
BTForum » Other Stuff » BlameTheHelp » Need help with PNG maps

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I use WWP. I downloaded from here some maps that are png images and I can`t use them. When I try to Load them in the maps screen the game closes. Why is that about. And shouldn`t they be .bit or? Tell me how can I play these maps that are .png, please!:roll:
06.07.04 04:38
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if your trying to change the file type, cant you open it in photoshop or whatever and save as then change file type there from png to whatever else there is to choose from? :?
06.07.04 07:14
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the big hint here is in the first sentence. Those three words that say "I use WWP".

Colour PNGs only work on W:A :roll:

unfortunately that means that if you want to play them you'll have to buy W:A. Or perhsaps wait along time, and then perhaps the patch will come out for WWP too. Can't be sure though.

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06.07.04 09:54
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Ok, thanks, I will wait...:D
07.07.04 05:21
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